Knowledge is power, and the instructions we find in the book of Proverbs allow us to live according to God’s plan, granting us wisdom. As believers, we all have access to this wisdom, but applying the knowledge we learn from God and His Word takes discipline, obedience, and determination. Are you ready to meet with God and gain some wisdom? Well then, let’s dig right in!
Day 1: Purpose and Theme
As I open Your Word today, please speak to the depths of my heart and open my mind to the truth found within these beautiful pages. I long to gain wisdom and live in a manner that pleases You.
Read Proverbs 1:1-33 silently to yourself. Then, read Proverbs 1:7 out loud. Herein lies the purpose and theme of gaining wisdom. Do you see it?
Fearing the Lord is best understood as reverent obedience and is expressed with submission. It comes with a humble heart and a yearning mind that wants to understand God’s moral compass and what is truly right and wrong. As you read the thirty-three verses today, what stood out to you?
Reflect and React
Proverbs 1:1-8 is the call upon our lives to do what is right and fair in God’s eyes. What did you notice here?
In Proverbs 1:9-19 we see a warning for anyone who rejects God’s wisdom. What are the consequences?
Proverbs 1:20-33 has wisdom being portrayed as a woman. This could be for a number of reasons, but it’s still very interesting how God reveals Himself in ways to touch our hearts more effectively. As you read, you can almost picture this wise woman dispensing knowledge.
Scripture to Memorize
“The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7.
Day 2: Moral Benefits of Wisdom
Start with prayer and then read Proverbs 2:1-22.
While “fearing the Lord” may be the foundation to gaining wisdom, the pre-requisite is obedience and faithful love. As you read through chapter two, did you hear the heart of devotion behind Solomon’s words?
Proverbs 2:1-8 tells us why wisdom is so beneficial to our lives. What are some of the reasons Solomon mentions?
Proverbs 2:9-19 tells us that pursuing God and His wisdom will protect us from stumbling into sin and being tempted by evildoers. Read 2:16-19. What does it say about wisdom and the adulterous woman?
The final three verses in Proverbs 2:20-22- give a reminder that in order to walk in the ways of the Lord and live a righteous life, we must separate ourselves from what separates us from God.
What is separating you from God or keeping you from walking in the path of righteousness? Lay it all at Jesus’ feet today and seek forgiveness.
Day 3: Wisdom Bestows Well-Being
As I open Your Word today, touch my heart and allow me to saturate myself in Your love, faithfulness, and goodness.
Read and Respond
Proverbs 3:1-35. What stands out to you in this chapter? Did you notice that these Proverbs bring forth a list of commands that are quickly followed with a blessing?
Reflect and React
Friends, these chapters remind us that as we seek wisdom and guidance from our God, He will provide for us and care for our needs. He will graciously bestow peace, prosperity, favor, and health. Our obedience is our gain.
Scripture to Memorize: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6. Do you see the command and promise in these verses?
Day 4: Get Wisdom at Any Cost
Begin with prayer. Read Proverbs 4:1-27.
Proverbs 4:7 says, “The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost you everything you have, get understanding.” What stands out to you in this simple yet powerful verse?
Chapter four once again emphasizes the importance of God’s wisdom, declaring that it is vital. Not only that, but this chapter illustrates the importance of our choices and how a good choice can give us life, but a wrong choice can lead to death. Read Proverbs 4:18-19. What do you notice about these verses and the paths we choose to take in this life?
Reflect and React
While it may seem that many of these verses are becoming repetitive, the truth is, that’s the point. As humans, we learn through repetition and our omniscient God wants these teachings to become ingrained in our mind and weaved into our heart. Next time you read a certain saying or verse that sounds familiar, pause and reflect on it and ask yourself, what is God really trying to drive home here?
Day 5: Warning Against Adultery
God, as I come before You today and read the book of Proverbs, I invite You into this space and time. Soften my heart to what you want me to learn, open my mind to receive Your truths, and give me the will to obey Your instruction. Amen.
Read and Respond
Read Proverbs 5:1-23. This chapter takes a bit of a different tone and marks the beginning of the next three chapters that give a warning against adultery and sexual immorality. Advice can often come in the form of warnings, and Proverbs 5-7 is a trio of chapters that specifically warns against the adulterous woman, who is not only crafty and cunning, but enticing and sinfully seductive.
Reflect and React
Proverbs 5:15-20 draws a beautiful parallel to the satisfaction and sexual intimacy we gain when we keep our marital beds pure and maintain a healthy relationship with our spouse. The joys of a faithful marriage brings about an exciting and intoxicating partnership that can embrace vulnerability and rejoice in this gift God gives to us when we declare our vows, make an oath, and become joined as one flesh (Mark 10:8).
God’s view of sex is vastly different than the world’s view. Where the worlds’ view comes with sneaky and clever ways to tiptoe around sin, God’s design for marriage and the family unit is not at all secretive and is full of light and hope, starting with the love portrayed in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. God’s view of sex, love, and intimacy joins partnership with parenthood and invites passion.
Read Proverbs 5:5-10. What consequences befall us when we do not maintain discretion and tempt the fate of sexual sin? Now, read Proverbs 5:15-20. When we follow God’s plan for marriage, what beautiful interactions and blessings flow from that?
Day 6: Warning Against Folly
Pray and Read Proverbs 6:1-35.
Respond and Reflect
This chapter begins by addressing foolishness and gives several warnings once again. Proverbs 6:1-5 advises us to be careful when we are taking on the financial burdens of others. Proverbs 6: 6-11 sends a warning about being lazy and the value of hard work. Proverbs 6: 12-15 calls for us to check our motives and that God is the ultimate judge of our hearts. The chapter continues with six things the Lord hates. Read 6:16-19. What are the six things the Lord despises?
Finally, the chapter once again brings in the importance of keeping our marriages safe and guarded from adultery in Proverbs 6:20-35. Read Proverbs 6:30-32. What is the adulterer being compared to? A thief may be stealing to survive and excuse his actions. Yet, the adulterer causes malice out of pure spite and knows exactly what they are doing, leaving no room for excuse as they bring ruin to a marriage.
Can you recall all the warnings in this chapter? What about the six things the Lord hates? Does one stand out to you? Are you struggling in a certain area? Come clean before God and seek His help so you can move to a path that brings hope, healing, and restoration.
Day 7: Warning Against Adulterous Woman
Pray for your marriage (or your family), and then thank God for His rich blessings and for offering His wisdom. Open your heart to Him today with honesty and thankfulness.
Read and Respond
Read Proverbs 7:1-27. We conclude this week’s study and this trio of chapters once again hitting the topic of adultery. It may seem over redundant, but the truth is that whether you are married or not, we can all fall into sexual temptation, whether it is found with a person outside the confines of marriage or behind a screen that holds dark secrets. This chapter gives a pretty stark image of what can happen when we entertain impure thoughts or actions and the devastating pathway to tragedy that it leads us to. Read Proverbs 7:10-23. Do you see the enticing imagery that leads to downfall and ruin?
Reflect and React
These last three books of Proverbs are pleading for us not to be enticed by the temptations that lead to sexual immorality. We must couple the knowledge we gain here with the wisdom that comes with obedience to live differently. We know adultery leads to death, so we must create boundaries that guard our hearts and minds against it.
If this is an area of weakness for you, seek God for strength and a pathway that leads to healing and restoration. While marriages can surely crumble from these devious acts, we mustn’t lose hope and seek guidance on how to rebuild trust and renew safe and purposeful intimacy.
Applying the Wisdom of Proverbs to Daily Life: A Bible Study on the Book of Proverbs
True Wisdom Begins with God - A Bible Study on the Book of Proverbs, Part 1
Practical Principles for Daily Living - A Bible Study on the Book of Proverbs, Part 3
Printable Study Guide Coming Soon!
Photo Credit: SWN Design