Practical Principles for Daily Living - A Bible Study on the Book of Proverbs, Part 3

As we reach the halfway point in the book of Proverbs, the wisdom we’ve gathered is beginning to form a beautiful and practical foundation for our daily lives. Each chapter continues to highlight the importance of humility, integrity, relationships, and the power of our words—offering guidance that remains as relevant today as when these verses were first written. This week, we’ll dive deeper into how wisdom shapes our choices, strengthens our faith, and leads us toward righteousness. Let’s lean in, reflect, and allow God’s wisdom to transform our hearts and actions.

Contributing Writer
Published Feb 24, 2025
Practical Principles for Daily Living - A Bible Study on the Book of Proverbs, Part 3

Can you believe we made it halfway through the book of Proverbs? You’re doing great! Keep going, my friend! This week as we read through the chapters, we begin to see how all these verses are beautifully coming together, forming practical principles to live by. The repetition of some of these verses continues to signal their value and importance. See if you catch some of those this week. 

Day 15: The Power of the Tongue


As I come into a new week digging into Your Word, continue to open my eyes to the truth and wisdom You lay before me in the book of Proverbs. With Your help, grant me the strength to live that wisdom out in my daily life.

Read and Respond

Read Proverbs 15:1-33. From the very beginning, we are given a significant message about the power of our words (Proverbs 15:1). The way we interact with others and how we speak to them matters, as we can cause strife or promote peace. This chapter also focuses on our attitude and alternative motives while noting the importance of receiving discipline and wise counsel. What stood out to you as you first read this chapter?

Reflect and React

Our God is relational and deeply cares about how we extend wisdom and love to others, what we say matters. How we serve with kindness counts. And humbly walking in faithful obedience is paramount. Think about each of your relationships, and reflect on how you are showing gentleness in your words and actions. Are you replying with a soft answer or seeking to “be right” just for argument’s sake? 

Scripture to Memorize

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." - Proverbs 15:1

Day 16: Pride Vs. Humility

Prayer and Respond

Start with prayer and then read Proverbs 16:1-33

Our God is the blessed controller and creator of all things and has the ultimate say, authority, and power. As a sovereign God, He loves the humble spirit and desires for us to come to Him with a pure, honest heart, seeking His will and His way for our lives. In retrospect, God detests pride (Proverbs 16:5, 18-19) and deems it sinful, as it violates the first principle of wisdom, which calls for us to fear the Lord (Proverbs 1:7).  

Reflect and React

Read Proverbs 16:1-3. This profound wisdom allows us to change the direction of our plans, starting with the nature of our hearts. Dependance on God is crucial. Trusting Him is essential. God lays dreams and plans on our hearts for His purpose. Is God laying something on your heart today? Will you humbly submit to Him and seek the direction in which He is calling you to go?

Day 17: Godly Character Leads to Wise Choices


As I come before You and seek wisdom, I ask that You touch my heart and lead and guide me to places in my life where I need to come clean and make changes that honor You.

Read and Respond

Read Proverbs 17:1-28. The compare and contrast of human nature and behavior continues to intertwine in this chapter pointing out the stark difference between Godly character and selfish intent. Is there a verse that really stood out to you as you read this chapter? What do you think God really wants us to understand here?

Reflect and React

There are a few takeaways in this chapter. First mentioned is the importance of peace and contentment in our home. A home filled with turmoil only leads to misery, but a peaceful home brings good health and harmony. How is the environment of your home? How do you maintain peace?

Proverbs 17:17 tells us that a friend loves “at all times,” meaning that we are called to love and serve our brothers and sisters in all seasons of this life, bringing joy and contentment. How are your friendships? Are you a friend who lives every season?

Proverbs 17:21 and 25 warn of foolish sons and daughters. Their harmful choices can bring a wave of great grief and sorrow for many, especially their parents. Honestly, the parenthood journey isn’t an easy one and is full of many heavy burdens. From imperfectly modeling Godly character to etching wisdom into their hearts, it can prove painful to watch them fall into foolish ways. 

Something to remember: While the principles tucked within the pages of Proverbs don’t guarantee a seemingly flawless life, the wisdom gained here can carry us through with words of hope and encourage us to lean into God for comfort and peace.

Day 18: Our Relationships Should Please God

Begin with prayer. Read Proverbs 18:1-24.


The relationships with our spouse, children, family, friends, and colleagues are invaluable to God. As we connect and correspond with each of them, we are given the opportunity to either share Godly wisdom or share our own opinions, which can essentially lead us to act like a fool. What did you gather from this chapter?

Reflect and React

There are several warnings against giving out personal opinions, making hasty judgments, and entertaining in the rumor or gossip mill. Once again, we are told that the tongue has power. Proverbs 18:21 even goes as far as to say it can offer life or death. 

Reflect on your own relationships and interactions. Are there places where you talk out of malice or deceit? Are you speaking with haste or quickly coming into judgment about a person or situation? Seek God’s wisdom in these times and ask for His discernment before you open your mouth to speak. Then, invite Him into those conversations so you can freely speak in love, grace, and truth.

Day 19: Foolishness Leads to Death

Pray, Read, and Respond

Pray and ask God to help you receive His wisdom today. Read Proverbs 19:1-29. What is God saying to you personally in this chapter? Did He reveal something new to you here about your life, about Who He is, or about a sinful choice?


There will be consequences for our choices and actions, yet many times, when things don’t go the way we conjure up in our minds (often due to our own choices), we may tend to get angry, question, or even blame God. 

Harsh truth: The ingredients of a tragic life are based on sinful choices, lacking faith in God when hard times come to pass, and continuing down the same dark path, eventually causing self-inflicted wounds. 

We all desire unfailing love and a good life, but it is better to be poor and fear the Lord than to be a wealthy liar who is crushed in spirit and causes a wake of devastation (Proverbs 19:22). 


While the entire book of Proverbs is to help us gain wisdom, we must put what we learn into practice if we want to really see a difference in our lives. Where do you need to seek God for discernment, help, or mercy?

Day 20: Intentionality and Integrity 


As I come before you, O Lord, continue to help me learn wisdom and grant me the ability to apply it to my life. I ask this in Your Holy Name.

Read and Respond 

Read Proverbs 20:1-30. God can plant certain plans and dreams in our hearts, but if we aren’t passionately pursuing them and being intentional about gaining wise counsel to see them through, those plans can become null and void, and those dreams can fade out of sight. In the end, we can become stuck. Other times, we can carry through with a plan but conduct ourselves in such a manner that brings spiritual damage to our name. Thoughts?

Reflect and React

This chapter proves that it takes both intentionality and integrity in order to follow through with confidence and chase the plans and dreams God lays before us. 

While our character is continually being shaped and molded, we must seek wisdom from our parents (when we are young), then eventually our elders and trusted friends, while also being disciplined through Godly discernment and making a choice. We can listen to that sound advice, heed God’s call on our hearts, and walk with integrity, or go down a beaten path that leads to nowhere.

Scripture to Memorize

"A person’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way?" - Proverbs 20:24

Day 21: Righteousness and Justice in God’s Eyes

Pray and Read

Begin with a posture of prayer and pour out your heart in honesty to the Lord. Then read Proverbs 21:1-31.


God wants us all to live in peace with one another and make choices that are good, noble, right, and just in His eyes. That means that we hold a pliable and humble heart, approach our faith with sincere honesty, and show compassion by taking notice of how defensive barriers, hurtful words, and pure selfishness cause deep wounds and pain.  What Scriptures stood out to you today?

Reflect and React

Read Proverbs 21:12 about righteousness. What do you notice? Read Proverbs 21:15 about justice. What is God telling us here? This chapter reminds us that God is in control and justice will be His.

Doing what is right is more important to God than just participating in religious practices. You can go to church, pray, and even anoint your home, but it means absolutely nothing to God if we aren’t invested in seeking His righteousness, all the while despising evil and wickedness. We also mustn’t sway to the ways of this world while professing our faith, longing for accolades from others. Basically, we need to know and understand what is right and wrong according to our God and have a deep desire to live righteously!

Link to the Study Introduction.
True Wisdom Begins with God - A Bible Study on the Book of Proverbs, Part 1
Part 2

Photo Credit: SWN Design

Alicia SearlAlicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

Christianity / PLUS / Practical Principles for Daily Living - A Bible Study on the Book of Proverbs, Part 3