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Discover the Amazing Truth about Heaven

So, are you ready to learn a little about heaven and what God’s Word says about this precious place? Then go ahead and snag your Bible and maybe a few translations, and let’s discover the place where we will spend eternity.

Updated May 22, 2024
Discover the Amazing Truth about Heaven

This past weekend, our family had the honor of watching my youngest daughter get baptized by my husband. It was a truly precious moment. Yet, as I turned to look at our church family and the front row where my dad, my husband’s dad, and our two older daughters sat, I couldn’t help but notice who was missing.

My dad hugged me tight and whispered, “If only your mom were here… but I know she’s cheering from heaven.” While that gave me a little comfort, I must admit that since her passing, I have thought about my mom a lot and wondered what she is doing in heaven. Is she really singing songs all day? Can she see me and her granddaughters? Will she remember me when I enter heaven? It all seems like such a magical mystery.

Thankfully, the Bible gives us many beautiful depictions of heaven. But, before we begin, will you pray with me?

Father God, we thank you for being the Creator of all things and the author and perfector of life. As we enter into a time with You to understand the kingdom of heaven, will You reveal to us what You would have us to know? We anticipate the day we will be joined with You, but until then, continue to do great work in us and call us according to Your purpose. Amen.

So, are you ready to learn a little about heaven and what God’s Word says about this precious place? Then go ahead and snag your Bible and maybe a few translations, and let’s discover the place where we will spend eternity.

What Are the Three Heavens?

Heaven is a prominent theme throughout Scripture, mentioned over 500 times, and it all starts in the very beginning. Genesis 1:1 says, 

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” 

God is declaring the importance of heaven in the opening line of His Word! God is intentional here, as He is with all things, but this verse, being placed front and center, calls our human hearts to ask, “What is heaven?” In 2 Corinthians 12-13, Paul writes about getting caught up in the “third heaven” (2 Corinthians 12:2). So, does that mean that there are two other heavens? Well, according to the early church fathers, who had direct access to the Apostles, there are three levels of heaven. Let’s line that up with what God’s Word says.

Genesis 1:20 tells us that the “first heaven” (also known as the atmospheric heaven) is the place between the earth and the first layer (troposphere); this would include the sky, clouds, and where the birds fly. The prophet Isaiah states that the rain and snow come down from the heavens and watered the earth (Isiah 55:9-10).

The “second heaven” (known as the celestial heaven) is the stellular realm that occupies the sun, moon, stars, and galaxies beyond this one. Genesis 1:14-17 says that God made light. A greater light to rule the day and a lesser light to rule the night. The King James version tells us that God set them (the lights) in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth (Genesis 1:17).

However, it is the third heaven that we generally focus on when we refer to the eternity that we, as believers, will one day spend with God. This heaven is referred to as paradise and the home of our God. Scripture tells us that we glorify a God in heaven (Psalm 115:2-3), we pray to a God in heaven (Matthew 6:9-13), and we get a vision of God’s throne in heaven in Revelation 4. Furthermore, Philippians 3:20-21 tells us that our citizenship awaits us in heaven, the heaven in which God resides.

What Will Heaven Be Like?

So, what will heaven be like? This question, and questions of the like, often surround the topic of heaven because the Bible has many metaphoric and symbolic ways it describes this place. In John 14:1-3, Jesus reassures His disciples before He is crucified, and calms their worries by telling them He will be going to His Father’s house, a place with many rooms. He adds that He will return for them and bring them to this place. This is a message of hope for us as well. Jesus has paved the way for us to get into heaven. He has created a place for us, too, in His Father’s house! Friend, heaven is a real place!

However, when it comes to gaining an understanding of what it will actually be like, Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:9 that our thoughts and ways are not God’s ways, and our wisdom and knowledge cannot even begin to comprehend the glory and riches that await those who love Him. What we see, hear, and experience in this life will fail in comparison to when we are walking in the presence of God!

Besides telling us that He is preparing a room for us, Mark 16:19 and 1 Peter 3:22 tell us that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father. This visual not only captures the image of the Father and Son as a united front but also the strength and power of their authority over all of creation. Many even believe that Jesus’ image will be a reflection of His love for us, with His pierced hands and sides.

We also have the assurance of being reunited with those we have loved and lost (Hebrews 12:23). Not only that but we will recognize one another in heaven and be full and complete (Philippians 3:20-21). This is why we must tell the ones we love about Christ, to ensure their salvation and eternity.

What Will We Do in Heaven?

After my daughter got baptized, just as innocently as possible, she asked “If we live forever in heaven, then do we just sing all day?” Then, she paused, and added, “Won’t that get boring?” Ha! I must admit, I have had similar thoughts. It’s a question I think we all ponder. After all, if our real residence is in heaven and this life is only a blip on our radar, what we will be doing for the rest of eternity?

First, Matthew 5:12 tells us to rejoice in the truth that our reward is in heaven. Those rewards are found in the manner in which we live this life here on earth. In addition, Matthew 6: 19-21 tells us not to store up treasures in this life, but to set our eyes on heaven. Basically, the only thing that bridges us to heaven is our souls that have lived in a way that honors and recognizes Christ as our Lord. So, what does all this mean?

Friend, we must realize that just being in His presence alone will move us in ways that we can’t even fully imagine. It will be like worshipping Him in His fullness and soaking in His rich glory (Revelations 15:3-5), giving us all the feels. That said, it will be anything but boring! Other than that, while Scripture isn’t 100% clear on what we will be doing, I have a hunch based on Revelation 22:1-5, that it will be a lot! We will rejoice in the Lord, fellowship, serve, and even work, all without pain or suffering.

Oh, sweet brothers and sisters, heaven is a place that rejoices in the truth and exudes the pure and beautiful Light of our awesome God! So, now you can live with a bold conviction and full confidence that you have a place waiting for you and your mission is to help get others a reservation also!

Photo Credit: Image created using AI technology and subsequently edited and reviewed by our editorial team.

Christianity / PLUS / Discover the Amazing Truth about Heaven