Take a Missions Trip

Whitney Hopler

People are in need all around you. Taking some time out to serve them through a special project is an effort that can bless both them and you. You could either travel overseas or help out right in your own community, constructing buildings, teaching children, conducting medical clinics, cultivating agriculture, and more. Any type of missions trip that fits your interests and talents well has the potential to enrich lives. But the key to success is preparing well.

Here are some ways you can prepare for your missions trip:

Adapted from Successful Mission Teams: A Guide for Volunteers, copyright 1999 by Martha VanCise. Published by New Hope Publishers, Birmingham, Al., www.newhopepubl.com, 1-800-968-7301.

Martha VanCise has served alongside her husband Dave as a missionary to Haiti, directing an interdenominational mission support organization. She also has extensive experience working with missions volunteers on numerous trips.

Have you ever taken a missions trip? If so, what was the experience like for you? How did God use the experience to help you grow as a person? How were you able to help the people you went to serve? Visit Crosswalk's forums to discuss this topic by clicking on the link below.

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