Overcome an Eating Disorder

Whitney Hopler

Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia can weaken and even destroy your body. Overcoming them requires more than just choosing healthier eating habits. It means seeking healing for underlying emotional wounds that shape your relationship to food.

Here are some ways you can overcome an eating disorder:

Adapted from The Monster Within: Facing an Eating Disorder, copyright 1984, 2002 by Cynthia Rowland McClure. Published by Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., www.bakerbooks.com, 1-800-877-2665.

Cynthia Rowland McClure suffered from bulimia for years. She is a spokesperson for those who suffer from eating disorders and a speaker through her organization "Hope for the Hungry Heart" in California.

Are you struggling with an eating disorder right now? If so, how does your condition affect your life, and how would you like others to pray for you? Have you overcome an eating disorder? If so, share your story to encourage others. Visit Crosswalk's forums to discuss this topic by clicking on the link below.

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