Make Dinnertime Easier by Cooking Ahead

Whitney Hopler

There's nothing like enjoying a tasty, healthy dinner while relaxing at the table after a busy day. God creates so many flavorful varieties of food, and you and others in your family can savor them best by eating in a peaceful atmosphere. But if dinnertime at your house is a stressful rush to get any kind of food on the table while trying to stave off hunger, you're missing out on dinner experiences that can bless you.

What if you were to cook a bunch of meals in advance, then store in them in a freezer so they're ready for you to choose each night for dinner? Here's how you can do that:

Adapted from The Occasional Cook: Culinary Strategies for Overcommitted Families, copyright 2002 by Cyndy Salzmann. Published by Christian Publications, Inc., Camp Hill, Pa.,, 1-800-233-4443.

Cyndy Salzmann is a freelance writer and public relations consultant who teaches cooking classes based on the ideas in this book. She lives with her husband and three children in Nebraska.

Is dinnertime a stressful time in your house? Why or why not? Do you ever cook meals in advance and freeze them for later? If so, how does that help you save time? What are some of your favorite recipes you'd like to pass on to others to try? Visit the Books Forum to discuss this topic. Just click on the link below.

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