Little Things Mean A Lot

Whitney Hopler

A smile, a hug, some help with a chore - it doesn't take much to bless your spouse. Even small efforts can make a big difference in the quality of your marriage. So devote some time and energy every day to doing little things to fuel the flame of love between you and your husband or wife.

Here are some little things you can do that would mean a lot in your marriage:

Adapted from Tender Thoughts for Couples: Wisdom for Keeping Your Marriage on the Same Page by Clara Hinton, copyright 2002 by New Leaf Press, Green Forest, Ark.,

Clara Hinton is married to John Hinton and is passionate about couples achieving unity by placing God at the heart of their marriages.

What small efforts have you made lately to bless your husband or wife, and how have those little things helped your marriage in big ways? Visit Crosswalk's forums to discuss this topic by clicking on the link below.

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