Help People Recover from Natural Disasters

Whitney Hopler

A natural disaster - such as an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flood, or fire - strikes not just at people's health and property, but also at their faith. In the face of a disaster, people often wonder whether God is really present with them. Your ministry to people victimized by natural disasters is a channel through which God's very real grace can flow, bringing healing to those who are hurting.

Here are some ways you can help people recover from natural disasters:

Adapted from Act of God/Active God: Recovering from Natural Disasters, copyright 2001 by Gary Harbaugh. Published by Fortress Press, Minneapolis, Minn.,, 1-800-328-4648.

Gary L. Harbaugh, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Care, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio, and he currently serves as a Care for the Caregiver pastoral resource person for Lutheran Disaster Response. He is the author of a number of books.

Have you ever experienced a natural disaster such as an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flood, or fire? If so, what losses did you suffer during that experience? Did the experience cause you to think more about faith issues? If so, how? Did God use volunteers to minister to you? If so, how did they make a difference in your life? Visit the Books Forum to discuss this topic. Just click on the link below.

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