Follow the Holy Spirit's Lead

Whitney Hopler

Encountering the Holy Spirit can be thrilling and powerful. But what if such times weren't reserved just for certain moments in your life? It is possible to experience the Holy Spirit's presence and revival frequently - if you run after the Holy Spirit to follow where He leads.

Here are some ways you can follow the Holy Spirit's lead:

Adapted from Follow the Fire, copyright 2001 by Steve Gray. Published by Charisma House, a part of Strang Communications Company, Lake Mary, Fl.,

Steve Gray has gained world recognition as a leading voice in the revival movement. He serves as pastor of the World Revival Church in Kansas City, Mo.

Have you encountered the Holy Spirit recently in your life? If so, how did the experience change you? What are some of the ways you're trying to follow the Spirit's lead in your life, and what challenges and rewards have come about through the process? Visit Crosswalk's forums to discuss this topic by clicking on the link below.

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