Build Bridges of Love to Muslims

Whitney Hopler

Muslims have acquired a bad reputation since the horrific attacks Muslim terrorists carried out against the United States on Sept. 11, 2001. But many Muslims abhor violence, and genuinely want to please God. In fact, many Muslims respect Jesus, and would be open to learning more about who He truly is if they had a mutually respectful relationship with a Christian in which to explore faith together.

Here are some ways you can build relationships with Muslims:

Adapted from Building Bridges: Christianity and Islam by Fouad Elias Accad, copyright 1997 by Bridges of Peace International. Published by NavPress, Colorado Springs, Colo.,, 1-800-366-7788.

Fouad Elias Accad grew up in Lebanon in the Greek Orthodox Church and dedicated his life to reaching out to Muslims. He became an ordained pastor, and was a scholar who knew ancient Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, Aramaic, and Armenian. In his later years (he died in 1994), he was a respected hakeem (or "wise one").

Why is it important to reach out to Muslims, especially in the wake of the terrorist acts of Sept. 11, 2001? How have you built a friendship with a Muslim in your life? Visit Live It's forum to respond, or read what others have to say. Just click on the link below.

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