“I can’t WAIT until the election is over!” a friend texted the other day.
And I totally agree. Probably you do, too.
But as these last few weeks of political ping pong (or dodge ball J) play out, don’t overlook the valuable learning opportunities the 2020 election can provide for your children. Use this irritating, ugly season to teach them about God’s beautiful wisdom.
Unfortunately, many parents avoid talking about politics with their kids. In a recent study, over half of the parents who were interviewed said they did not discuss politics with their children, at all.
Of course, many kids are too young to understand what’s going on. (I’m not sure I do, either) But if you avoid the subject of politics all-together, then your kids will miss the benefit of your wisdom and guidance.
Believe me, they’re already hearing a lot about this election from TV, the internet, and at school. But many of things they hear are not true. Most of the political rhetoric is pretty negative. Some of it is downright scary.
So in times like these, your children need you to point out biblical truths, Godly principles, and hope. They need encouragement to trust God, instead of living in fear. They need help to keep the election in perspective and to be reminded of God’s good plan for their lives.
Here are 7 biblical truths to teach your kids about the 2020 election:
1. Be Careful Who You Listen To
Children are so trusting—and thus, they’re easily led astray. Make sure your children realize that what they hear online and even at school, isn’t always true. Point out blatant lies and tell them where lies originate (from Satan). Teach them to carefully evaluate what they hear. The list* below can help you contrast Satan’s most prevalent lies with God’s truth:
Satan’s Lies God’s Truth
“Your life doesn’t matter.” “Your life has value & purpose.” (1 Pt. 2:9)
“Amuse yourself.” “Don’t waste your life.” (Eph. 5:16-17)
“Take all you can.” “Be a giver.” (Lk. 6:38)
“You evolved from an amoeba.” “You were created in My image.” (Gen. 1:27)
“Your future is death.” “Your future is life.” (Jn. 10:10)
“Nobody cares about you.” “I care.” (1 Pt. 5:7)
“There is no real truth.” “You can know the truth.” (Jn. 8:32)
*For an expanded, free printable of Satan’s lies vs. God’s truth, click here.
2. Be Grateful for Your Country
If your children only hear bad things about this country, then they’ll probably overlook the good things and discount the blessings. Teach your kids to be grateful for these national blessings:
- A home. God placed your family here for His good purpose (Jer. 29:11). In His great wisdom, God gave your kids a home—a people to belong to and a place to worship Him (see Acts 17:26). Teach your kids to be grateful for the gift of home.
- Beauty. From the raging waters of Niagara Falls, to the white sand deserts, to the giant Redwood forest, our country is filled with beauty. These natural blessings are our heritage. It’d be a shame to take them for granted. Being grateful for God’s handiwork enables you to better enjoy and respect it.
- Freedom. The majority of the world’s people lack basic freedoms. Many cannot practice their religion, speak freely or be educated (especially women). Since we were born with these freedoms, it’s easy to take them for granted, so teach your kids to be grateful for their freedoms.
3. Be a Good Citizen
Charles Finney, a pastor in the early 1800’s, wrote: “Christians must do their duty to the country as a part of their duty to God.” Perhaps he learned this principle from the Bible. In Romans, Paul wrote that every aspect of our lives, including our citizenship, should honor God (see Rom. 13:1-7).
Use the Bible to teach your kids how to be good citizens:
- Pay your taxes (Rom. 13:6)
- Pay your bills (Rom. 13:7-8)
- Respect your leaders and pray for them (1 Tim. 2:1-2)
- Obey the law (Titus 3:1-2)
- Vote for leaders who will uphold Christianity (Ps. 2:2-3; 33:12)

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Chinnapong
4. Don’t Panic
While the pandemic, racial issues, and the 2020 election are deeply troubling to all, don’t let your kids be fooled into thinking these are the worst times, ever.
Our nation’s problems aren’t new. Here are a few of our past issues you may not know about:
- The Whiskey Rebellion, 1791-94
- The burning of the White House, the Capitol, and the Library of Congress, 1814.
- At Elmira Prison, 2790 inmates died from malnutrition, exposure, and disease, 1864
- The Spanish Flu Pandemic infected 25% of U.S. citizens, 1918
- Bath School Bombing, 1927
Sound familiar? What we see happening now has happened before. And it’s not only here. Injustice and murder, disease and disaster are part of every country’s past—and future. That’s why we need a Savior.
Jesus said:
“Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world.” (Matt. 24:7).
But Jesus promised:
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (Jn 16:33)
5. Don’t Try to Figure it All Out—You Can’t
Once the prophet Asaph was frustrated during turbulent times. He couldn’t understand why so many bad things were happening. Finally, he discovered that he was not supposed to understand and that all he needed to do was draw closer to God:
“Trying to solve this mystery on my own exhausted me; I couldn’t bear to look at it any further . . . But the closer I am to You, my God, the better because life with You is good. (Ps. 73:16, 28 VOICE)
Corrupt politicians will rise and fall. Disease will spread and diminish. Wars will come and go. And although you may not understand why things happen—you don’t have to. Your job (and mine) is to trust the Lord and to draw nearer to Him. This happens one encounter at a time. My book: Seeking a Familiar Face, can help you and your kids draw closer to God.
6. There’s a Better Country Than This One
While our country isn’t perfect, no country ever has been or ever will be. But there is a greater country: the holy nation of God. Teach your children that if they belong to Christ, they are citizens of the greatest, most glorious nation there is.
Teach your kids what the Lord has promised us in the future:
- Tears will be replaced with laughter and rejoicing. (Heb. 12:22, Is. 25:6-7)
- There will be no hunger or thirst for more. (Rev. 7:16, Ps. 65:4)
- We will live in a place filled with light and beauty. (Rev. 21:21-23)
- There will be no more disease or death. (Is. 25:6, Rev. 21:4)
- We will dwell with the Lord, forever and ever. (2 Tim. 2:11-12, 1 Thess. 4:17)
7. God Determines the Course of History, Not Man
I wish I’d known about the sovereignty of God earlier in life, because it’s really good news. Here’s what it means: a loving God reigns over everything, from world events to the weather. It means that no matter who wins in the 2020 elections, we can trust in His good plan. It means it’s not solely up to us to save the presidency or the planet. Teaching this truth to your children will relieve their fears and help them gain a more hopeful perspective.
Share this meaningful verse about God’s sovereignty with your kids:
“He [God] controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars. (Daniel 2:21, NLT).
Even though this election is getting pretty ugly, it can be a beautiful opportunity to teach and guide your children toward a Godly perspective. Instead of worrying about all the bickering and bad news, try to use these difficult times to sew good seeds into the hearts of your children.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/natasaadzic