Balance Your Life

Whitney Hopler

Are you frequently in a hurry? Do you find it difficult to say no to people? Does a desire to be perfect hound you?

If so, relax. There will be enough of you to go around if you balance your life the way God intends.

Here are some ways you can set your life in balance:

Adapted from When There's Not Enough to Go Around: Life Solutions to Perfectionism, People-Pleasing & Performance Pressures, copyright 2002 by Ellen Banks Elwell and Joan Bartel Stough. Published by InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Ill.,, 1-800-843-4587.

Ellen Banks Elwell is a writer based in the suburbs of Chicago, Ill. She has written six other books. Joan Bartel Stough has been an instructor of developmental psychology and family studies at Wheaton College. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist with a practice in Winfield, Ill.

Do you sometimes feel as if there's not enough of you to go around? If so, what gives when that happens, and why? Has God helped you make any recent changes to your life to balance your time and energy more effectively? If so, what did you change, and how did that change the quality of your life? Visit Crosswalk's forums to discuss this topic by clicking on the link below.

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