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4 Ways to Prepare Your Kids for an Unbiblical World

The pursuit of Universalism has almost eliminated the hierarchy of the Bible in government, education, community, and even in some churches! Now, the idea of God has become interpreted by your personal truth, which is based on your interpretations. Contributing Writer
Published Oct 24, 2022
4 Ways to Prepare Your Kids for an Unbiblical World

Have you noticed a lack of biblical principles in the world recently? I study a lot of history, and there used to be a very real community and unification on the basic principles of life founded on biblical principles. Even if our grandparents and great-grandparents weren't Christ-believing, most of their moral, ethical, and physical choices were based on rudimentary biblical principles simply because they were infused within the culture.

Not only did we start school with the Pledge of Allegiance, but we also started it with prayer. Most families didn't question whether or not you attended church on Sunday—or at least Christmas and Easter. The Bible was treated respectfully, even if someone held it at a distance.

Now, so much has changed. The pursuit of Universalism has almost eliminated the hierarchy of the Bible in government, education, community, and even in some churches! Now, the idea of God has become interpreted by your personal truth, which is based on your interpretations. Even evening TV has limits on what it can show, but taking Jesus' name in vain has become a free word unassociated with anything hallowed.

So how do we, as Bible-believing Christians, prepare our kids to live in an unbiblical world? How do we teach them to be set apart when being set apart comes with so many convoluted arguments and opinions that often turn the tables, making us look intolerant, unkind, narrow-minded, and unreasonable? Should we teach our children to take a stand for their faith, or is there a different road to take that will inspire less controversy and kickback?

Here are a few ideas you could consider when facing the daunting prospect of raising God-honoring children in a world that no longer recognizes His authority.

1. Teach your children critical thinking.

Gone are the days when we could skate by on our faith without it being analyzed and challenged. Now, in some ways, to defend our faith, we must be able to be lawyers in the courts and present a case before a very skeptical judge. Too often, we teach our children biblical principles by merely justifying our beliefs and lifestyles by saying, "because the Bible says so." But when you face a world where the Bible is merely a book with little authority, this quickly undermines that statement. When your children grow, they will even wonder where this perceived authority comes from. This is why teaching your children how to think critically is important. How to examine the evidence, make an outline for an argument with supporting logic, and present in a way that isn't just faith-based. Yes, faith is a huge part of our walk with the Lord, but He has left a myriad of evidence to support His claims and biblical authority. We must teach our kids how to identify and understand it.

2. Teach your children about other viewpoints and belief systems.

Be cautious of being so set apart from the world that your children have no understanding of the world. In an effort to protect them, sometimes we infuse them with only Scripture, so when they enter the world, their only defense is a Book that the world dismisses within seconds. Yes, Scripture is the sword of the Spirit, and we don't discount that. But we also must learn to understand how others process and perceive it, and we must be well-versed and familiar, so we can respond when we're challenged with other "truth statements" from other belief systems. Teach your children about the main religions like Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and more. Educate them on the various cults, philosophies of thought, and even the discrepancies of Biblical interpretation within the church itself.

3. Teach your children it is okay to interact with the world.

This doesn't mean embracing the world's beliefs, tolerating sin, or being inclusive of things the Lord has spoken against. What it means is that we need to teach our children not only is it okay to still interact with others of different beliefs, but it's also crucial from a gospel standpoint. This is how we will reach others in the name of Christ. Not removing ourselves, but immersing ourselves in people groups that need Him. Jesus spent time with prostitutes, tax collectors, and more. We must teach our children not only to interact with the world but how to interact with them. Teach them how to show the grace of Christ, the love of Christ, and the kindness of Christ, while also teaching them the balance of conviction and standing firm on what they believe.

4. Teach your children the Scripture.

They need to know it inside and out. They need to hide God's words in their hearts. Be proactive parents and teach them the Word. Not just the Word but where it came from and its history and legacy. Do you know the meanings of the books of the Bible? Do they understand the fundamental concepts of theology? Foreshadowing, what it means to "die to self," what Old Testament sacrifices meant in light of the coming of Jesus Christ, why the veil was torn and the implications of it at the death of Christ, and so on. This is your child's spiritual heritage, and they need to know more than just basic Bible stories, a simple prayer of salvation, and the Ten Commandments.

The world is not getting more tolerant of Christianity. Truth is not becoming clearer. Right and wrong are not remaining decisively different. Because of this, our legacies will be our children, and for our children to carry on our spiritual legacies, we must be proactive in teaching them how to survive in their faith.

Be sure that you're continuing to educate yourself so that you can teach them. Learn about biblical history, archaeology, apologetics, theology, and world religions. Be on the lookout for resources aimed at your children to learn. There are many great biblically-based resources available now that also address the above topics in ways children can understand and learn from.

We pour ourselves into our children's educations, sports careers, scientific motivations, creative outlets, and so on. It is more vital that we pour ourselves into their spiritual health and foundation. One day, in the not-so-far future, they will be challenged for their faith and beliefs. If they are going to avert being led away, and if they are going to stand strong, then we must be sure they are thoroughly grounded.

In reality, every generation has had to be grounded in their faith. And even though the Bible was more widely accepted, that doesn't mean that other generations have had it easier. Maybe different, but not easier. This is why Scripture urges us to teach it to our children. Each generation has its own crosses to bear. Let us help our children bear them by infusing them with the information, foundation, and wisdom they will need to be strong warriors for the faith. And pray. Pray over them. For the Word of the Lord to stand true in their hearts as an unbiblical world seeks to wash it away.

Related Resource: Listen to Our FREE Parenting Podcast! 

Christian Parent/Crazy World with Catherine Segars is now available on Catherine is dedicated to helping you be a godly parent in an ungodly world. Listen to an episode right now by clicking the play button below:

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Klaus Vedfelt

Jaime Jo Wright is an ECPA and Publisher’s Weekly bestselling author. Her novel “The House on Foster Hill” won the prestigious Christy Award and she continues to publish Gothic thrillers for the inspirational market. Jaime Jo resides in the woods of Wisconsin, lives in dreamland, exists in reality, and invites you to join her adventures at and at her podcast where she discusses the deeper issues of story and faith with fellow authors.


Christianity / Newsletters / Evangelism Weekly / 4 Ways to Prepare Your Kids for an Unbiblical World