Faith is the substance of things hoped for—the evidence or proof that something exists without physically seeing it. Having faith in God is a charge that all Christians have been challenged with. Living, breathing, and walking in faith is an often-difficult way of life because of the numerous challenges it brings. It’s also difficult because many Christians confuse faith in God with faith in faith. Faith in God has many layers to it. Having faith in God is first believing He is the true and living God. It is believing He sent His Son as the savior of the world. It is accepting His divine will for your life. It is trusting in Him to guide you through anything. It is submitting requests to Him according to His will and believing they will be done His way, in His timing. Having faith in faith is believing that you can have anything you desire when you desire it. It’s the belief that you can initially make anything happen with your own abilities. It’s having confidence in yourself and that the things you want when you want them are what you need.
Doubt is questioning things. It is the feeling of uncertainty. It brings about confusion. It causes a lack of confidence and distrust. So, when the question of whether or not doubt is a helpful part of faith comes about, the answer to this is simple. Yes, doubt is a beneficial part of faith. Here’s why. Doubt takes away the notion that you can ask God anything through faith, and you will receive it how you want it and when you want it. This isn’t true. When you ask God in prayer for something in your will, the request may not be granted. When requests are delayed or denied, it brings about feelings of doubt. This can make one believe that God isn’t listening or that He doesn’t care. However, those feelings of doubt can be used to shift your prayers, your mindset, and your relationship with God.
When a petition is delayed or denied, it often causes people to question God. When this happens, it can allow your heart and spirit to be vulnerable to God and let Him come in and show you that He heard your prayer and reveal to you why your request may have been delayed or denied. If you listen to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to show you what He has in store for your life and how God fulfills all your needs, this can shift your relationship with God. When this happens, the desires of your heart are focused more on what God wants for you than what you want for yourself.
On the other hand, when a prayer isn’t answered, it can hinder one’s relationship with God and cause someone to doubt Him. This happens more often than not with believers because of a lacking relationship with God and forgetting the root of their belief, which is having faith in the everlasting God for who He is and not simply for what He can do for you. If you find yourself struggling with doubt when it comes to your walk in faith, take some of the following steps to help you on your journey.
Doubt and uncertainty are a part of life. As you continue life’s journey, you will experience many things that will create doubt in your mind, heart, and spirit. Embrace it. Being in denial about your fears/doubts will make matters worse for you. Acknowledge your feelings of uncertainty. Get to the root of what may have caused these feelings. If you don’t, they can overwhelm you and create bigger issues for you. Talk to someone you trust about what you’re experiencing. Be honest about everything. Don’t be ashamed of what you’re feeling. Everyone experiences doubt, no matter how strong or positive they seem to be. Pray and ask God to reveal His will to you for the circumstance you are experiencing doubt about. Wait patiently for His guidance. When you receive God’s guidance, follow it with confidence.
When you feel doubt emerging in your spirit about any situation, take a moment and pray this prayer:
God our Father, I humbly ask that You reveal the root of the doubt in my heart. I ask that you help me understand it and remove it so that I may be a witness for you to others who have doubts. God, I know my fears are real, but I know you are also real. I pray that you will provide comfort and guidance when I have doubt in my heart so that I may release it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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