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If Our Sins Have Been Forgiven, What Will Happen on Judgment Day?

Keep Believing Ministries
Updated Feb 12, 2024

(Transcript of the video above, edited for readability)

So the question is on the Judgment Day, if our sins are forgiven, never to be remembered again, what is it we are judged for? Great question. And it's true. Our sins were judged at the cross. They were paid for by the blood of Jesus. We're never going to be judged for our sins again. But the Bible does say that we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ to receive a judgment for the things done in the flesh. And I think what that means is, as Christians, when we stand before the Lord, we're going to have to give an account for what we did with our time, with our talents, and with our treasure. If we have spent our days on earth living for ourselves, investing in our own agenda, building our own kingdom on earth, in that day we are going to be disappointed. 

1 Corinthians 3 talks about building on a foundation either of wood, hay, or stubble, or of gold, silver, and precious stones. I do think the judgment seat of Christ is going to be a great day of revelation for all of us. And I wouldn't be surprised if, on that day, we may find out that the greatest Christian in heaven is not the one who was best known here on earth. We may find in that day, in fact, I think we will on that day, that the one who receives the greatest reward from the Lord was probably someone little known in the eyes of the world and probably little known even inside the church, but someone who served others in Jesus' name and spent their days here on earth helping others find out more about the Lord. So the great, great challenge for all of us is to ask, "What am I doing? And why am I doing this?" If only for ourselves, we're bound to be disappointed. But those who live for Christ will never be disappointed. Not in this life or in the life to come.

(First published as "If Our Sins Have Been Forgiven, What Will Happen on Judgment Day?" on on December 30, 2011)


Christianity / Jesus / Following Jesus / Repentance, Faith, and Salvation / If Our Sins Have Been Forgiven, What Will Happen on Judgment Day?