After the Cross and Empty Tomb, Jesus was available anywhere, anytime, by anyone. So because Christ rose: any sin could be forgiven, any doubts could be overcome, any sadness could be comforted, any disappointment could be stopped, any fearfulness could be arrested, any loneliness could be ended, any defilement could be cleansed ... anywhere, anytime, and by anyone.
So what does that mean? Jesus demonstrated to us by His visit to John on Patmos what He was doing with every church and for every believer. He was doing for all of us what He did for the disciples during His earthly ministry.
Often we fail to understand the magnitude of what really happened. Here is what had changed - after the Resurrection Jesus was no longer limited to one location. Jesus could be at anytime with everyone in anyplace. Think of all of Christ's power we see in the Gospels available everywhere and all the time! That was God unleashing Jesus Christ to be everywhere available!
And in the flawless record of that meeting comes seven perfect descriptions of what Jesus looks like. And from those seven descriptions we find out exactly what He is doing then and now!...
Notice what John saw in Revelation 1:9-18:
When John sees the Risen Christ, He is -
Taken from "When Jesus Seems Distant" by Discover the Book Ministries (used by permission).