The Dwelling Place of God
Your Nightly Prayer for Dec. 16, 2024
by Amanda Idleman
"And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God." - Revelation 21:3
God’s ultimate plan for us, his people, and his creation is to dwell with us. His permanent dwelling place is with man! From the start of creation, he saw the ending. One of redemption and grace. One that made right the many wrongs that humanity has committed. One that unifies the holy Creator and his beloved Creation.
Right now, as all things are waiting to be made new again, as we groan for God to come down from Heaven and dwell with us again, it can be challenging to see the beauty of his plan. As his children, we struggle with doubt and a lack of faith. It is a challenge for us to take him at His Word. That is why we must saturate ourselves in His Word so we know it, we believe it, and we grow to rely on it.
As you consider the future and the anxiety that sometimes lives out there in the great unknown of what is to come, remember that God has a plan. He is sovereign over all, and his goal is reunification. While we face trials of many kinds, the end of the story is a good one; we will dwell with God one day! All will know him, see him, and be submitted under his rule. What a future to look forward to!
I thank you for your plan for us to be with you! What hope this truth brings to now, the middle of the story, in which all groans to be reunited with their Creator. Remind us in the dark moments that you have worked all out for the good of those who love you. Your forever dwelling place is with us, and we look forward to the day we meet you face to face.
1. Imagine that truly the best is yet to come. Visualize meeting God in Heaven as we spend eternity in his dwelling place.
2. Consider how God has worked out things for your good in the here and now. Thank him for his goodness in the land of the living.
3. Remember that God knows all of history. Imagine him holding every detail of your life in his kind hands.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Tony Rowell
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