The Approval You're Seeking - Your Nightly Prayer

Are you exhausted from trying to measure up to everyone’s expectations? The approval you’re seeking isn’t found in likes, achievements, or perfection—it’s already yours in Christ. Discover how resting in God’s unconditional love can free you from the pressure to be “enough” and fill you with lasting peace.

Author of Win Over Worry

Your Nightly Prayer

The Approval You’re Seeking
Your Nightly Prayer for Mar. 6, 2025
by Keri Eichberger


"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." - Galatians 1:10


I could tell my husband was struggling. His patience fuse had seemed slightly shorted, energy a bit run down, and attention and focus a little scattered. And I couldn’t blame him. I’d been walking through a lot of the same hard stuff and was handling it in my own not so perfect way. However, when he started to vent this morning, I ever so tenderly brought my notice of his behavior shift to his attention in the hopes of helping. After which, I immediately sensed his disappointment. I then prayed over both of us, and we moved on to our morning workout. But before he started to take off on his daily mile jog on the treadmill, I grabbed his hand and reminded him how loved he was. With a humble yet somewhat defeated look on his face, he questioned, “Why do you love me?” He knows why—because ultimately, God chose him for me to love—but deep down, he was simply seeking approval. Pursuing an affirmation of worth I think many of us long for when we feel like we don’t measure up. 

Do you feel like you have missed the mark, fallen short of expectations, or that you are a little less than lately? I get it. In a society defined by social media standards, flawless filtered photos, unsustainable goals and measures, and who has the most likes and followers. A culture categorized by financial status, relationship status, physical, mental, and emotional status—my goodness, how in the world do we ever feel like we measure up? Unless.

Unless we let the Lord alone measure our worth and identity. 

Mike and I exhaustedly finished our exercise session, and I let out a louder, longer-than-usual sigh. “It’s hard,” I released. “Life—you know. I feel like I’ve lost some motivation lately, too. But we can’t let it define us. It’s okay to not always have the strength to do all the things. Sometimes, you and I can do more than most. But right now, maybe God just wants us to refuel and rest in him. It’s a season, and it will pass. We’ve had them before. And they pass.” 

The truth is, not only does God approve of us when we feel like we’re falling a little short—because he loves his own unconditionally—but he has all authority over each of us and our situations. Meaning he could give you audacious energy to surpass every measure of expectation if he wanted. But he has you where you are for a good purpose, just like he does me and Mike.

I’m leaning into the slightly more still-spirited season God has us in. And I think he also wants you to lean into him where you are. Leaning into the truth of who you are. Your true identity. And no, your identity is not in how much energy you have, how much work you get done, or what someone says or thinks about you. Your identity lies in the eyes of your maker. The one who made you, me, and each of his children in his glorious image. You are a beloved son or daughter of the King. Royalty in his Almighty eyes. 

Will you rest in who and whose you are with me? In his ultimate approval and unconditional love. Right now, let’s rest in him and find peace and renewal in his faithful power and restoring presence. 


Lord God,
You are the author of every single one of my days. You are the creator of who I am and all the strength I have. And no matter what I do, you love me more than I can imagine. No matter what others say, I am infinitely valuable in your eyes. Help me remember my unconditional worth as your child. Help me rest, knowing you will restore me and refuel me when I rest in you. Thank you for your compassion and grace that you will never stop pouring out over me all the days of my life. In Your Great Name,


1. In what area of your life do you need encouragement and need to rest in God’s affirmation of you?

2. Have you considered maybe God wants you to look more to him for his unconditional approval over the world’s?

3. How might it change your heart and confidence if you understood that God approves of and loves you regardless of the fragile condition of your heart or your limited ability?

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Tony Rowell

Keri Eichberger photoKeri Eichberger is a Jesus-loving Kentucky girl. She is married to her best friend, Mike, and has a full house of five kids. After years of writing for an online audience, Keri became ordained through Southeast Christian Church, giving her life to full-time ministry. She is the author of Win Over Worry: Conquer What Shakes You and Soar With the One Who Overcomes, and has a passion for sharing faith-filled encouragement through devotional writing. Connect with Keri at or Instagram.

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