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Feeling Short on Strength and Sufficiency - Your Nightly Prayer

Feeling drained and running on empty? You’re not alone—but you’re also not without help. Discover how God’s strength and sufficiency are always within reach, even when life feels overwhelming, and how leaning into His power can refill your heart with joy and purpose.

Your Nightly Prayer

Feeling Short on Strength and Sufficiency
Your Nightly Prayer for Mar. 11, 2025
by Keri Eichberger


“The LORD is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” - Exodus 15:2


If you were to ask my advice in your season of weariness, I’d be the first to suggest you consider a pause in the midst of your planning, doing, and plowing through. If you were feeling weak and worn down, I’d empathetically remind you that your strength comes from the loving Lord and that if it’s lacking, he may very well want you to lean into the seeming lack and just rest. To refuel and refresh your soul in and with the good God of strength and sufficiency. But within this encouragement, a bit of a problem might be presented—sometimes, for some of us. Because in certain circumstances, seasons, and situations, it hardly seems we can take a break. The commitment or responsibility in front of us matters too much. God has called us to it. And we need to keep moving forward. In fact, I’m feeling that right now. Tired—exhausted, actually—but I have to keep going.

Can you relate to this at all? Do you feel pretty rundown and zapped of energy, yet it seems you can’t afford to let off the gas for a fill-up for the sake of completing something of purpose you have set out to do? 

Well, while I would still encourage you to pause when at all possible, even if just briefly—because we likely aren’t regularly enough refilling with the rest we need—I would also say we need to reach out to the strength of God regardless. We know he’s always right there beside us. We know he is always watching over us. But I believe we tend to forget it when our pace picks up a notch. We will acknowledge his power and ability to equip us when we take the time to be still and reflect. But maybe when we’re moving 100 miles an hour, we aren’t quick to remember that he’s also still right there reaching out his hand to grab ours. Ready to give us a boost of assistance to bolster every big and small step we need to take. 

The power of God is always accessible to us, and it is sufficient for all his purposes for our life—including every detail. Every single thing you’re working on and towards for his glory right now. And when we know this, when we truly understand that the Lord will strengthen us sufficiently to help us climb the mountain of life and trudge through each bump and valley—we find great gratitude for this gift. And as we continue to recognize and praise him for the life-giving gift of strength he keeps pouring out, and we begin to swell with increased touches of joy. A joy of the Lord that radiates in us additional stores of his strength. Keeping us sturdily and steadily moving forward, with him right by our side.  


Almighty Lord,
You are my strength. Even when I don’t feel so strong, you are there to offer sufficient power to help me approach and to carry me through all the things you call me to. Help me to pause and rest in you when I can. But when I feel like you are leading me to keep moving onward, help me to acknowledge you, even still. As I keep walking, help me cling closer to you and never let go of your helping hand. You are so faithful; you are always sufficient for my needs, and I praise you with great joy for your unending goodness. In Your Blessed Name,


1. Have you been taking sufficient time to recharge in the presence of the Lord?  

2. If you’re going through a full season with limited time and low energy, are you reaching out to God all along the way for help?

3. Will you consider thanking him for the strength and sufficiency he is supplying to get you through, to allow his joy to even better fuel you?

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Ivan Oboleninov

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