A Prayer to Reach Out to Friends Struggling with Depression - Your Daily Prayer - March 19 

Join us as we pray for the strength to be there for others and for the wisdom to provide the support they need during difficult times.

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A Prayer to Reach Out to Friends Struggling with Depression
By Vivian Bricker

Bible Reading:
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” - Proverbs 17:17

As someone who struggles with depression, I cannot stress enough the importance of reaching out to friends who are struggling with depression. When I was first diagnosed with depression, I was also diagnosed with anorexia and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). I had shared this information with my friends from college over a group chat because my doctor had told me I needed a support system. After writing out my diagnoses, how I was feeling, and asking them if they could be my support system, I sent the message.

I kid you not; everyone left me on read. Not one person replied or said anything. As you could imagine, this made me feel pretty bad. I thought these individuals cared about me, but their lack of reply helped me to know that maybe relying on them wasn’t the wisest choice. As the years have passed, I realized that asking these girls to be my support system was probably just too much for them at the time. Most of them were married, expecting, or finishing college themselves. I hold no ill feelings toward any of them anymore, as I understand it can be difficult to be there for someone when they are struggling with a myriad of mental health concerns. Through their lack of words, I learned to lean on God. He was always there, yet I often only looked to Him as a last resort.

It is surprising how much we talk about God, only to forget about Him when times are hard. As believers, we need to challenge ourselves to go to God first, not second, third, or last. We need to always go to Him first. Once I turned to Him and asked for His help, I saw His love working in my life. While my depression is not cured, it has gotten better overall because I know my worth is in the Lord. He loves me, and one day, I will no longer have to struggle with depression.

I share all of this with you in order for you to reach out to your own friends who are struggling with depression. Don’t turn a deaf ear to them or treat them as though they are being “dramatic.” Depression is a real mood disorder that cannot be easily treated. Medication and therapy can help; however, there is not a cure. Something that can help those who are struggling with depression is for their friends to show up for them.

Similar to how I needed my friends to be a support system for me, your friends struggling with depression need support from you. Support doesn’t have to be driving them to doctor’s appointments or texting them 24/7. Instead, supporting them might mean catching up with them over coffee or going over to their apartment when they are feeling isolated. Try to truly be there for your friends and it will help them know that they are loved and they matter. Sadly, most of us who struggle with depression feel we are not loved and we don’t matter. Neglecting to show up for them will only intensify these feelings. Choose to be there for your friends who are struggling with depression and help them in any way you can. As mentioned, sometimes a simple in-person visit can lift their spirits.

Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” As this proverb entails, a friend is to love at all times. In a way, friends can be closer to us than our own siblings. This is especially true if your friends have gone through many struggles with you. Therefore, value your friends and truly love them at all times. This will help them to work through their depression and know that brighter days are ahead. In addition to being there for them, make sure you are praying for them. We never need to underestimate what God can do for our friends, as He can bring comfort to their hearts.

Let’s Pray:
Dear God, many of my friends are struggling with depression. I ask You to help them and give them peace. I understand depression can drain all the hope and life out of a person. Please help them overcome this depression and also help me to be the best source of support that I can be for them. Thank You, God. In Your Son’s Name, I pray, Amen. 

Photo credit: ©Getty-AntonioGuillem

Vivian Bricker author bio photoVivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate: https://cultivatechristianity.wordpress.com/

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Christianity / Devotionals / Your Daily Prayer / A Prayer to Reach Out to Friends Struggling with Depression - Your Daily Prayer - March 19