A Prayer of Hope and Expectation This Advent - Your Daily Prayer - December 15

For those not familiar, Advent is a four-week-long season of anticipation for the coming King. It is a time dedicated to anticipating the “arrival” or “advent” of the long-awaited Messiah, Jesus. There are four main reflections on hope, joy, love, and peace.

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A Prayer of Hope and Expectation This Advent
By Heidi Vegh

Bible Reading:
“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” – Luke 2:10-11

Listen or Read Below:

The Christmas season is one of hope. God sent His only Son, Jesus, to live with us on earth. God became a human so that He could be among us and feel what we felt. He came as a small baby, not as a mighty king or warrior as many expected He would. He was humble and poor and came to save everyone. However, He was stronger and mightier than any king or warrior could ever be, and He died on the cross, defeating death forever. This is the sacrifice of love and truth that we need to carry in our hearts as Christmas approaches. Each year, I spend time doing an Advent study to prepare my heart for Christmas. For those not familiar, Advent is a four-week-long season of anticipation for the coming King. It is a time dedicated to anticipating the “arrival” or “advent” of the long-awaited Messiah, Jesus. There are four main reflections on hope, joy, love, and peace.

As a child, I remember each Sunday evening leading up to Christmas, we would spend time by candlelight reading a passage of Luke, reminding us of the Christmas story and what it all means. I now have that same tradition for my own family. We have four candles that we set on our coffee table every year. They are each marked for hope, love, joy, and peace. Each Sunday night we light one candle, read a part of the Christmas Bible story, and reflect on the theme for that week. I struggled for some years to find a good plan or to get everyone in the same room. Our family is growing, and our older kids are often working or with friends. However, I try to hold the tradition as best as I can, trying to instill in my children the importance of Christmas and what it means for us. Teaching them that it is not just about what they get but about who Jesus is.

Reliving the expectations of the people of God in those dark times can serve us well. We often get so distracted by the novelty of the Christmas season, the music, the decorations, the gifts, etc. Those things are not wrong in and of themselves, but when they are highlighted over the coming Messiah and Savior of the world, it can take away from what Christmas is truly about. We need to put Jesus above it all. We need to put our focus on Jesus this season and practicing Advent can be a wonderful way to recenter our minds and hearts each week leading up to Christmas.

Let’s Pray:

Lord, thank you for sending your Son Jesus as a baby. Thank you for leaving your place in heaven to come down, walking in the flesh among your beloved people. Thank you for your humility and sacrifice. I give this Advent season to you, Lord. I pray that I can set aside all the hustle and bustle and truly be able to focus on what Christmas really is. I pray that I can find time each week to read your Word and study the stories told in the Gospels. I pray that I can truly find a place of understanding and feel the true anticipation that your people felt way back then. I want to be a part of the anticipation. Anticipation of the long-awaited Savior. I pray that you will fill my family with hope as we spend time together each week reflecting on your goodness. Help us to find truths as we read about love, joy, peace, and hope.

Help us reflect on the truth of your sacrifice on the cross and the incredible significance of it all starting with you coming down to earth as an innocent and humble baby. We can’t comprehend the depth of your love for us, but this Christmas season, I pray that your love will fill our home and that we can honor you above all else.
In your precious name, Jesus, we pray, amen.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Westend61

Heidi Vegh is a writer, speaker, and ministry leader living in Western Washington. She is a remarried mother of four, navigating the blended family life after the loss of her first husband to cancer in 2013. She longs to use her writing as a way to encourage others who have experienced loss and guide them on the road to healing. She contributes to her blog found at www.mrsheidivegh.com , sharing stories and devotionals of faith stemming from her loss and healing, mothering, and her blended and complex family. She graduated from Southern New Hampshire University with a degree in Creative Writing and English and is working on her first book. Heidi is the Women’s Ministry Director at her local church and has a deep heart for sharing Jesus with women and encouraging them in their faith walk. When she is not writing, she loves to travel, read, craft, and experiment in the kitchen. Visit her Facebook and Instagram (@mrsheidivegh) to learn more.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Your Daily Prayer / A Prayer of Hope and Expectation This Advent - Your Daily Prayer - December 15