Wisdom from the Psalms 7/22

July 22

Psalms 91:11
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

Louise had an angel. She felt the presence of her guardian angel wherever she was. She didn't even tell most people about her angel, because they looked at her like she was crazy. She wasn't. God had sent her an angel to keep her company and to remind her that she was loved. There was nothing crazy about that. Sometimes, in the still of the night, she thought she could hear angel songs, and they comforted her. She loved her angel, and she thanked God for it daily.


Who's to say where God's angels are? Perhaps we each have an angel who watches us and guides us. God, in His love for us, has set the angels over us. They are His ambassadors of goodwill in this world. Though angels have been shoved aside to the category of myth by many, we know that there is another realm where everything doesn't always make sense to us. Rest secure. The angels are watching.


Prayer: Help me to believe in the angels that You send, Lord. I need watching over. I need You to be with me. I thank You for guiding me in all my ways. Amen.

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