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What it Means to Be God’s Creation - Wholly Loved - January 29

What it Means to Be God’s Creation

By Andrea Chatelain

“The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it,   the world, and all who live in it; for He founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.” Psalm 24:1-2

 Suddenly I felt very small. “You see that cluster of stars?” The professor asked, adjusting the telescope. “That’s right outside our galaxy.” Peering beyond our realm made me ponder the greatness of God but left me questioning my own power. What does the vastness of creation say about who and whose we are? 

It reminds us that we are not our own. This may not be what we want to hear if we have a hard time trusting God. 

The truth is, I didn’t create myself. And although I grew in my mother’s womb, she didn’t create my body or soul with her hands. In fact, she didn’t even know my face until God finished molding me. Believing that we’re part of God’s creation empowers us because God creates with purpose. 

Just as He thought the world needed a sun to light the day and stars to light the night, God decided the world needed a you and a me to shine light and love to those around us. 

I don’t know about you, but I’ve belonged to a lot of groups in my life. Friend groups that broke up or moved on. Church groups that dissolved. Jobs that became toxic environments. The list goes on. But belonging to God will never disappoint us because God’s love, acceptance, forgiveness, and passion for His people is immeasurable and unending.  

Creation also reveals that we belong to a God who cares about the big and small. The galaxies and the sparrows, the mountains and the valleys, the years and the days. It’s all under His loving reign. So although you and I may look small compared to the universe in a telescope lens, I know as God’s creation, we’re invaluable and made for big purposes.

Andrea Chatelain’s mission is to meet women in their struggles and love them forward with God’s truth. She's part of the Wholly Loved Ministries team, is a Midwest mom of three, faith and family writer, and college English instructor to immigrants and refugees. It’s her joy to lead Bible studies in her neighborhood, church, and community because she believes Jesus transforms lives when His people boldly seek Him. Her writing reflects her love for Jesus and heart for fellow believers. Connect with Andrea more online at

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Christianity / Devotionals / Wholly Loved / What it Means to Be God’s Creation - Wholly Loved - January 29