Off to a Good Start - Wholly Loved - September 13

Off to a Good Start

By Christa Cottam

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1

The shrill bleating of an alarm clock. A steaming cup of coffee. Or hurriedly serving breakfast, combing hair, and loading kids’ backpacks as they head out the door ... How do you start your day?

When my eyes open in the morning, my mind immediately begins laying out the day ahead. Sometimes in anticipation, sometimes in apprehension, and sometimes in dread. 

But no matter my outlook, I’ve learned that if I allow my feet to hit the floor without first connecting with Jesus, I’ll be heading toward defeat, relying on my own strength to get me through. While my efforts will never be sufficient, my Savior’s always will, and He longs for me to come to Him daily, to rest in His shadow, as today’s verse puts it.

During the event scholars refer to as the Exodus, God provided food for His people in the form of manna It rained down from the sky each morning, not because He couldn’t give them a week’s worth in one downpour, but because He wanted them to rely on Him daily. The Bible tells us in Exodus 16:18, "The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little. Everyone had gathered just as much as they needed." 

The same is true for us. God knows what we need physically, emotionally, and spiritually, to get through each day, and He lovingly provides it for us…but we have to choose to come out of our tents, so to speak, and meet with Him. 

So instead of pulling the covers up over your head tomorrow morning, spend your first few moments in Jesus’ loving embrace, and entrust your day to Him.

Christa Cottam is a spunky woman with a fire in her belly to tell others about Jesus—how He brought her from being held down by a past filled with shame, guilt and unforgiveness to embrace God’s love and ultimately find freedom to be the person He created her to be. She is passionate about encouraging women to go deeper in their relationship with God. Christa also uses her gifts in the arts and leadership to make kingdom impact at her church, serving as a worship leader and volunteering in women’s ministry.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Wholly Loved / Off to a Good Start - Wholly Loved - September 13