Humble Resolution - Wholly Loved - March 13

Humble Resolution

By Christa Cottam

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9

"I love conflict!" said no one ever. But, I’ve found out the hard way that evading relational disagreements is worse. The problem will keep growing, expanding, and festering until one day, “BANG!”, it explodes.

Sadly, we have to face the fact that conflict is unavoidable

God designed us for deep and rewarding relationship with Him and others. But, because of sin, our relationships don’t function perfectly. Friendships can go from marvelous to messy when we say or do something that hurts other, or our friend does the same to us. 

When that happens, we may want to avoid one another or pretend like nothing happened, which isn’t healthy. 

We know God desires reconciliation, but how do we make this happen?

The first thing I do is breathe and give myself some distance to think clearly. A response in the heat of the moment may indulge my feelings, but it’s not necessarily what God wants me to say or do. Then, I pray. 

How can we be peacemakers, like today’s verse encourages?   

Through humility. In a humbled posture before God, I’m able set aside my desires, admit my inability to restore the situation alone, and ask for His for help. Help to see my own faults and shortcomings and how I may have contributed to the issue. Help in knowing when to talk to my friend, what words to say, for the strength to be a good listener and the grace to forgive. Above all, I ask that His love will prevail, and that He can be glorified in the situation. 

Do you need to make peace with someone? God wants to help you. Humble yourself at His feet and allow His love to guide you.

Christa Cottam is a spunky speaker and women’s ministry and worship leader with a fire in her belly to tell others about Jesus. She’s part of Wholly Loved Ministries speaking team, presents our radio devotions, and leads worship at Wholly Loved events, when needed. Visit her online at and find out more by reading her bio at the end of the book.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Wholly Loved / Humble Resolution - Wholly Loved - March 13