Building to Stand Strong - Wholly Loved - October 8

Building to Stand Strong

By Kelli Thompson

“… their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.” 1 Corinthians 3:13

A good home improvement show highlights the panic of problems revealed within the walls. It’s what makes them popular. As walls are removed and structures inspected, the root cause is revealed: poor materials, poor insulation, foundation cracks. Making for any good home improvement show, the builder restores the integrity of the structure with solid yet gorgeous design choices, guaranteed to provide safety for years.

If you had to create something that protected your most glorious possession, your spiritual heart, you’d surely begin with the best foundation to weather any storm.  But what about the "I didn't see it coming" problems? Even seemingly harmless elements like water enter through cracks and cause rot and devastation. Our foundation doesn’t crumble under stress from good intentions; it falls apart through cracks of unawareness.

When my life appears to be crumbling, I discover I’ve been building my foundation on something other than God. When I had money trouble, it was because I found excitement through material things instead of resting in God’s provisions. When I was upset about being passed over at work, it was because I allowed my identity to get tied into my status or title instead of letting God define me. When my earthly foundation lay in pieces, it alerted me to the faulty materials I’d been using.

We must build our hearts and homes with those things that protect against the storms and cracks. Regular “inspections” like introspection and prayer lead us to rely on God for strong choices, a firm foundation, and resiliency when troubles come.

How are you building your home and using daily “inspections” to remain firm, no matter the storms you encounter?

Kelli Thompson is a coach, writer and speaker. First, a wife and mother, God called her out of Corporate America to start a business as a Leadership & Career Coach for women. Kelli loves to help women claim their confidence, discover their true calling, and take brave next steps in their work. Learn more at

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Christianity / Devotionals / Wholly Loved / Building to Stand Strong - Wholly Loved - October 8