“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:4-5
I want you to write a book.
These are the words God spoke to my heart on a woman's retreat in 2009. Up to that point, I had never written anything before. Besides a few poems in high school, I had no idea how to write a book. But in that moment, I knew God was calling me to something greater. I prayed about it, had my husband pray with me, and consulted Scripture. As I sought the Lord, he led me to self-publish my first book in 2011. It is hard to believe that only fourteen years later, I'm about to celebrate my eighteenth book published. I would never have experienced the joy of publishing so many books if I hadn't taken the first step of obedience to write the first book.
Overwhelmed, I couldn't rely on my own understanding because I didn’t understand what God was doing. But as I abided in the Lord and he guided my words through each chapter, soon I had a whole book waiting to be published. Because I took that one step of obedience, God knew I could be entrusted with other book ideas.
In John 14, Jesus declared to his disciples that he was the way the truth, and the life. He understood that once word got out about this claim, it would be considered blasphemy. He knew that soon he would be charged with blasphemy, and because of that charge, beaten, persecuted, and crucified for his words. Jesus had to remain with the Father. With each minute, he had to remain in God, trusting in His promises. He knew that the future held turmoil, pain, and suffering. But Jesus also knew He had to fulfill this purpose. Jesus says these words in John 15 to remind us that we can do nothing apart from the source of life.
We must abide in God too. We must cling to God, allowing him to guide us minute by minute, just as Jesus did. I could never have written my first book if I did not cling to God, obey his Word, and trust in his promises. When we try to do things in our own strength, we fail. When we seek to achieve the approval or favor of men rather than the approval and favor of God we will always fail. However, when we abide in God, we will always be successful. Success in society is measured through popularity, money, or possessions.
Conversely, success in God means faithful obedience to whatever He calls us to do. Although I don't make a lot of money as a writer, I know I have been obedient to what God has called me to do. Because of my obedience, he has allowed me to have fourteen years of fruitful labor for Him. Although I may never know how many people have read my words, I have received feedback from people who have told me how much my words have made an impact on them. I'm grateful to know that God did not waste his calling or words on me. Even if my words are only read by one person, that in and of itself is a success.
When I look back upon my life, I want Jesus to say I was a good steward of what he gave me. But I cannot be a good steward of what God has given me if I'm not clinging to him, being obedient to the call God has given me. Life is not a selfish endeavor, fulfilling my own interests or selfish ambitions. Rather, life means laying down my wants and desires to pick up what God wants for me. Society measures success based on the things we accumulate when we die. Jesus measures success by how closely we as the branches are connected to God, our Source of life.
Lord, help us to abide in you. Allow us to define our success by how closely we cling to you. Help us to remember that you are our vine. Branches never survive if they're not connected to the source that gives them the nutrients needed for life. As we obey your call, help us to remain in you each day. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Tinnakorn Jorruang
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