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Why You Can Praise the ‘Globalness’ of God - Powerpoint - December 18

Why You Can Praise the ‘Globalness’ of God

December 18

 “Worthy are you to take the scroll
            and to open its seals,
for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God
            from every tribe and language and people and nation…”

Revelation 5:9

Not long ago, I met a man from a different part of the world who was a believer in Jesus Christ. As I sat and talked with him, I began thinking about how amazing it is that despite the cultural and geographic barriers that separate him and me, we are partakers of the same grace.

Think about it… as you read these words, millions of men and women across the globe are praying, worshipping, and serving the very same God you do. You’re part of a worldwide body of believers who’ve met Jesus Christ and serve Him as Lord and Savior!

Sadly, however, many Christians I’ve met serve a cultural God – one whom they make in the image of their own culture and apply character traits that are simply unbiblical. God is no more (and no less) a God of the United States than He is of South Korea or Paraguay. He’s a global God!

All those years ago when Jesus was born in Jerusalem, God’s plan was never to keep that glory within geographic boundaries. Thank God for leaving heaven to come to Earth to redeem people from every tribe, tongue, and nation!


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Christianity / Devotionals / Daily Word from Pastor Graham / Why You Can Praise the ‘Globalness’ of God - Powerpoint - December 18