Parenting by Design - January 7

Time Management: So We May Serve

Gal. 6:10: Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith (NIV). 

With so many needs around us, our families have many opportunities to "do good." Most of you will agree that we need to take Paul's advice, step up to the plate and serve others. The question is, where do we begin? Paul has some helpful advice—our charitable works should not be limited to believers ("do good to all"), but our brothers and sisters in Christ should take priority ("especially the household of faith").

Serving others is a great way to combat entitlement in our children and foster a thankful attitude. Find a place where your family can serve together on a consistent basis and make sure your local body of believers is included if possible. When you serve together as a family, everyone will be blessed.

Make serving others, especially fellow believers, a family priority.


Christianity / Devotionals / Parenting by Design / Parenting by Design - January 7