Parenting by Design - January 21

Symbols or heart change?

Deut. 11:18: Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads (NIV).

The Israelites were instructed to "tie" God's Word to their hands and foreheads. Many took that command literally, and created leather "phylacteries" containing Scripture that they would wear on their heads and arms. The problem, of course, was that while the Word was tied to their bodies, it often failed to penetrate their hearts.

We tend to do the same thing today. As Warren Wiersbe says, we wear crosses on our bodies, but we fail to take up Christ's cross in our lives. We hang Scripture on our walls, but rely on our own wisdom when we run into the walls of life. Teaching our kids the Word of God is important, but the best way for parents to pass along their faith is through the example of a life that demonstrates a real commitment to the Word of God.

Are you living out the faith as an example for your kids?


Christianity / Devotionals / Parenting by Design / Parenting by Design - January 21