NIV Devotions for Women - Week of May 5

He Is- Uncontainable

Verse: 1 Kings 8:27-30

Solomon’s temple was a breath-taking structure, yet he realized that even this magnificent building could not hold the uncontainable God. In awe Solomon acknowledged that not even the highest heaven could contain God. Even though God can’t be contained by a building, he is always accessible. Nothing can restrain him from hearing the prayers of his people.

You don’t have to go to a church, a chapel or a prayer room to pray to God. He does not limit your prayers to certain places or particular times. He is uncontainable. Wherever you go, he’s there. Whatever you say, he’s listening. When you cry out, he’ll answer.

This devotion is from the NIV New Women's Devotional Bible or True Identity by Zondervan. Used with permission.


Christianity / Devotionals / NIV Devotions for Women / NIV Devotions for Women - Week of May 5