NIV Devotions for Women - Week of March 27

He Is - A Creative Communicator

Verse: Numbers 22:1-35

Balaam was riding a donkey on a mission that displeased God. But God used the donkey to warn Balaam against his folly. In the natural world, donkeys are stubborn animals known for their loud bray. In the supernatural world, God can use even a donkey to speak to obstinate people.

If you are stubbornly set in your ways, don’t be surprised when God shows you that he is a creative communicator. He may not speak through an animal, but he can get his message across using people, events—even pop culture. God has amazingly creative ways to get your attention.

This devotion is from the NIV New Women's Devotional Bible or True Identity by Zondervan. Used with permission.


Christianity / Devotionals / NIV Devotions for Women / NIV Devotions for Women - Week of March 27