NIV Devotions for Women - Week of August 5th

At Issue - God’s Power

Verse: Joshua 5:13-15

Whose side is God on? When you’re in a conflict with someone—is God on your side? When you’re competing for a promotion—is God on your side? When you’re fighting wrongful charges on your cell phone bill—is God on your side? Actually, when Joshua asked the commander of the army of the Lord whose side he was on, he got a cryptic reply: “Neither.” The question isn’t whether God’s on our side, but whether we’re on God’s side. God was ready to do something great through Joshua, but Joshua’s first battle action was to bow and acknowledge that God was the one in authority. After he did, the walls of Jericho fell without a single blow.

This devotion is from the NIV New Women's Devotional Bible or True Identity by Zondervan. Used with permission.


Christianity / Devotionals / NIV Devotions for Women / NIV Devotions for Women - Week of August 5th