It’s Not About Me - Moments of Hope Devotional - October 6, 2019

It’s Not About Me
By David Chadwick

Jesus was alone in the wilderness, tired and hungry after a 40-day fast. The devil came to tempt him (Matthew 4:1-11).

His first temptation was to get Jesus to use his power for immediate gratification. Satan invited Jesus to turn stones into bread and use his gifts to meet his needs at that moment.

Jesus rebuffed this temptation.

Satan’s second strategy was even more subtle. He took Jesus to Jerusalem, where they rested upon the temple’s pinnacle. He encouraged Jesus to jump, assuring him the angels would catch him, as promised in Psalm 91. The crowds would be amazed and swell in numbers.

But Jesus rebuffed this temptation as well. He quoted Deuteronomy 6:16, refusing to put God to the test.

In other words, Jesus stood firm in his refusal to make his life all about himself. He came to serve, not be served (Mark 10:45). He came to give, not get. His life was to be lived for others, not self.

The enemy offers the same temptations to Jesus’s followers. He whispers to you to use your gifts for self. Make life all about meeting your needs. You’re entitled to more. The center of the universe is you.

Like Jesus, you must fight back. God is not to be put to the test. You are here to serve him, not vice versa. Your life is God’s gift to you. How you use it is your gift to God.

The devil is centered in self. He wants you to live your life solely for personal pleasure.

But if you follow Jesus, you are different. You imitate him and follow his example. Life is not about you. It’s all about him.

Once you understand this, you are set free to serve.

And find life’s true meaning.

Stand strong in the attack

God’s equipped you with exactly what you need to defend yourself from the devil when he comes creeping into your life.

David Chadwick’s CD set, The Enemy, shows you how to use the tools God has given you to resist Satan’s advances.

In it, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use God’s Word, the ultimate defense, to deflect evil
  • Resist the Devil’s advances
  • Pray to fight temptation
  • Submit to God and let Him work it out for your good

The Enemy is our gift to thank you for your donation to give more reason for hope in Jesus. So request it below when you give.

We pray it helps you stand strong against your enemy!

Request Yours


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Christianity / Devotionals / Moments of Hope Devotional / It’s Not About Me - Moments of Hope Devotional - October 6, 2019