Know the “No” Before the “Go” - Love Worth Finding - December 7

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December 7, 2024 – Know the “No” Before the “Go”
Galatians 5:25-26
Sermon: 2277 The Expedience of Obedience, Part 2

Pray Over This

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”
Galatians 5:25-26

Ponder This

Have you ever taught teens how to drive a car? One of the first things you showed them was the brake pedal, and you probably showed them the brake pedal before you showed them the accelerator. Now suppose your teen said, “Hey Pop, I am not interested in the brake; I’m not interested in how to make it stop. I want to go!” You’d just take the keys back, put them in your pocket, and say, “You’re not ready yet.”

Do you want spiritual power in your life? Have you trusted God’s direction, or did you want Him to just give you the keys so you could go? God is not going to give spiritual power to those who are not with Him. Why should God release the anointing power of the Holy Spirit on your life when you’re not living in obedience? God gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him. The Holy Spirit is there to get His work done. God cannot trust you with spiritual power unless you plan to be with Him and walk in His way instead of your own. You will never know the release of the Spirit until you know the restraint of the Spirit. You will never know the “go” till you know the “no.” Listen to His direction: it doesn’t always make sense, and it isn’t always a message you will like, but seek Him and follow where He leads you.

  • When have you felt the Holy Spirit’s direction? How did you respond to it?
  • Who has set an example of walking in the Spirit?

Practice This

Speak to someone who has set an example of walking in the Spirit. Ask how he or she came to live out faith in that way.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals / Know the “No” Before the “Go” - Love Worth Finding - December 7