The Ten Commandments: No Gossip, Even in Disguise - Living Free - March 13

The Ten Commandments: No Gossip, Even in Disguise 

Living Free Every Day®
A ministry of

"You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor." Exodus 20:16 NIV

Thoughts for the Day
 The ninth commandment tells us that we are not to speak dishonestly about our neighbor. Who is our neighbor? Anyone in the human race!

This commandment is broken not only when we tell an outright lie, but also when we use deception of any kind. We have probably all been guilty of participating in gossip, either by carrying tales ourselves or by listening to others gossip and remaining silent, failing to stand up for the accused.

Consider this …
Gossip is often couched in seemingly caring language: Please understand—I don't mean to put this person down, but did you know … or isn’t it sad that Joe is abusing his wife … or I wouldn't tell you this, but you need to know how to pray.

If for some reason we do need to share something negative about another person, we first need to be certain that we have our facts straight. Then we need to examine our motives for wanting to tell someone about it and tell only those who really do need to know.

The Bible says, "the tongue has the power of life and death." Proverbs 18:21
Are you using yours for life? Strive always to speak the truth in love.


Lord, forgive me for the times I have participated in gossip … the times my careless words have hurt someone. Help me always to speak the truth in love. In Jesus' name …


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Christianity / Devotionals / Living Free Every Day / The Ten Commandments: No Gossip, Even in Disguise - Living Free - March 13