A Moment at a Time
Today's Scripture
""But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:48 NLT
Thoughts for Today
In today's scripture, Jesus tells us to be perfect. How can we do that? One moment at a time.
It begins with perfect moments. When we choose to respond to any given person or circumstance in a godly way, we have a perfect moment. We have fulfilled Jesus' command—in that moment. Every time we handle a situation in a godly, loving way, we have a perfect moment.
Because God is our Creator, it makes sense for us to learn more about His nature and His plan. First, we need to understand that we can be holy because God is holy. "Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy (Leviticus 19:2 NIV). Holiness is an outflow of God's nature.
Consider this …
By resting in God's love and following His will, we can act in healthy and positive ways. But we can't do it alone. Problems develop when we expect ourselves to accomplish perfection relying solely on our own efforts. There is a difference between expecting perfection from ourselves and expecting God to work His perfection through us.
One way to develop godly perfection is by using the power of prayer. Praying about the people and situations that frustrate us is the best antidote for that frustration. Leaning on Jesus' strength and praying about every situation will lead to more and more perfect moments. We need to trust God to help us grow in perfection—one moment at a time.
Father, so often I try to be good on my own. Help me to remember that perfect moments will only come when I let your love flow through me. When I trust in Jesus for the strength to do what is right. I pray that those perfect moments will increase in my life. In Jesus' name …
These thoughts were drawn from …
Where is the Image of God in You? by Brad Rymer. The purpose of this study is for us to see how some of the different character traits we have can be used in constructive rather than destructive ways in our lives and relationships so that we are operating more and more in the image of God according to the way He created us. Also, this study can help us better understand others as we build godly relationships. Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups, and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a personal study for individuals or couples.
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