The Love of Jesus Finds You Right Where You Are

No matter how broken you feel, Jesus meets you right where you are with healing, hope, and unconditional love. Cynthia Garrett’s powerful story reveals how Christ’s presence can transform even the deepest wounds into a testimony of freedom and restoration. Discover how His love can do the same for you.

Hi everyone, welcome to I'm Cynthia Garrett. I am an author, a television host for many years and an ordained gospel minister. Here's why I'm a Christian.

I absolutely love the word of God. I fell in love with Christ at a very young age, and I remember being a young girl going through something very deep and dark in my home. A relative was sexually abusing me, and I felt like I was locked in a dark box. Every night, when I would cry myself to sleep, Jesus would meet me there, right at the foot of my bed. It left me with a lot of scars and a lot to grow from in life. 

I knew from a very early age that I had a Savior looking out for me. I believed from the beginning of my life because I experienced Him in a way I couldn't even understand or explain. With years of Bible study, ministry, and theology, I can look back on my childhood and know that God was with me and loves me. Even though this bad thing had happened to me, I was being looked after. 

In my young adult years, the trauma took me down a spiral of low self-esteem, looking for love in all the wrong places, anger, pain, shame, doubt, and tons of brokenness that needed to be healed. The only way I would ever confront inner healing was by understanding who Jesus is and His ministry. The Book of Isaiah speaks of setting the captives free and binding up the brokenhearted; that is where I began to realize the depth of the freedom Christ came to give every one of us. It's not a future freedom. It's a freedom for now. It's a binding up of our broken hearts, which get broken by terrible childhood experiences or things that come from our past.

Those emotional areas of brokenness can become strongholds and areas of bondage where the enemy tries to take control. When we take that brokenness to Christ, we allow Him to mend our broken hearts and free us from emotional captivity. Damage and brokenness can keep us in bondage for a long time. There's nothing more powerful than the healing we find in Christ. 

Photo Credit: SWN Design


Christianity / Devotionals / I Am a Christian / The Love of Jesus Finds You Right Where You Are