The Promise That Keeps Me Following Jesus Every Day

Pastor, Author, Podcast Cohost

Welcome to My name is Aubrey Samson. Here's why I'm a Christian and always will be. The first time I ever walked into a church, at least that I remember, I was around 11 years old, and it was actually the first time I had ever heard somebody talking about their relationship with Jesus. Believe it or not, the guy speaking at that church that day was somebody named Rick Stanley. I don't know where he is now. I don't know what he's doing with his life now, but at the time, he was Elvis Presley's stepbrother.

He was talking about how, in his life, he was touched by two kings, the king of rock and roll and the king of Jesus. And it sounds a little funny when I think about it now, but that's what God used to stir my little 11-year-old heart. And I walked down the aisle of that church, and I told the pastor that I was a sinner in need of a savior. And I gave my life to Christ that day. I was baptized the next day, and I've never stopped following Jesus. Jesus has been so faithful to me.

I should say he's never stopped walking with me. He's been so faithful to me through the years. One of the things that I love about Jesus is that he made a way through his death on the cross and through his resurrection for us to know him and have an intimate relationship with the God who created the world.

But the other thing that I love and one of the reasons I'm still a Christian today is the promise of revelation. It's a book at the end of the Bible that talks about how one day Jesus will return, make all things new, and make all wrongs right. He will wipe away every tear from every eye, and every injustice will be experienced justice. And we will, all the pain, all the heartache, and difficulties that we experience and see around the globe, Jesus is going to make all things right. And it's that triumph over evil and that hope for the hurting that keeps me, you know, running after Jesus. And I would say the other thing personally.

I've been through a lot of loss and grief myself, especially over the past several years. It's something I write about quite a bit in my books. And Jesus has been good to me. Psalm 34 says that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and rescues those who are crushed in spirit, and I don't really know how to say this except to say it's a miracle that as I have held deep pain, walked through some awful seasons of grief and heartache and even illness, Jesus has been near. Like, I have known that closeness. I have known that comfort.

I have known his mercy, his compassion, and his spirit's presence. And sometimes I've been on the floor crying, and the Spirit of God has gotten me up. It's why I'm here today in ministry, writing, doing what I do, serving Jesus. Again, because of his faithfulness and his goodness. And so, you know, I love the story of God throughout Scripture, and the presence of Jesus. I love the work of the Spirit in this world, bringing people to himself, making wrongs right, making all things new. And that promise for now and the future is one of the things that keeps me following Jesus. It's one of the reasons I'm a Christian and always will be. Hey, I want you to be blessed today.

Photo Credit: SWN Design


Christianity / Devotionals / I Am a Christian / The Promise That Keeps Me Following Jesus Every Day