How God Turns Our Pain into Purpose

Life is full of struggles, disappointments, and unanswered questions, but through it all, one truth has remained unshakable in my life—God is faithful. No matter how difficult the journey, I’ve found strength, peace, and purpose by clinging to His promises. If you’ve ever wondered how faith can carry you through life’s hardest moments, this is a story you won’t want to miss. Contributing Writer

Life is full of struggles, difficulties, and seasons of loss and disappointment. Instead of crying out and saying, "Why God," blaming Him for the difficulties, or being upset that He would allow them, I have learned to cling to Him despite them. I now choose to trust His promises, like Romans 8.28-29:

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters."

I have learned throughout my life that God is the one to cling to, who strengthens us, is faithful to His Word, and can get us through whatever lies ahead. Instead of trying to do things on my own, I've clung to Him and His Word. I grew up in the church, but I also lived in a home with alcoholism that ended in divorce; I had to cry out to God and take ownership of my faith then.

Jesus Christ was my lifeline. He strengthened me throughout that time, so when I was a young wife, married to a pastor, and I soon discovered my husband couldn't meet all my emotional needs, I learned that only Jesus satisfies. I could go to Him with everything that I needed. God, who is eternal, could still meet my emotional needs. I learned as a young mom, feeling overwhelmed, that God was there to strengthen and get me through. And then, as a woman struggling with secondary infertility, wondering why I couldn't have another child, I realized then to be grateful for what I had and that God had abundantly blessed me with my one child, with far more than I ever could have hoped for.

I found that when I obey His Word, promises like "in all things, give thanks." And that when I trust Him, He really does come through. Mostly, I've clung to Psalms 16:11, which says, "In His presence is fullness of joy." Despite the struggles, there has always been joy because God is there with me. And I often say I would instead go through one long, dark night of struggling than many days alone when I'm trying to do life on my own. God is with us. He is for us. He has a reason for our lives, which has made all the difference in my life. That is why I'm still a Christian, going on more than five decades, and why that will never change.

Photo Credit: SWN Design


Christianity / Devotionals / I Am a Christian / How God Turns Our Pain into Purpose