Courage to Pray - Homeword - August 26

Courage to Pray

This devotional was written by Jim Burns

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. — Psalm 139:23-24

Have you ever prayed a life-changing prayer? It is one of those moments when you say, "Lord, I'm willing to go anywhere and do anything for you." Maybe it was a time when you were wrestling with an issue you knew was wrong, but only after some struggle, could you release it to God.

At age sixteen, I made a commitment to follow Jesus and asked him to enter my heart. Until that time, my life had centered around athletics, especially baseball. After becoming a Christian, I sensed God wanted me to go into the ministry. My struggle was between a baseball career and doing what I sensed God was leading me to do (a call on my life to full-time ministry). Finally, one day while sitting on the sand looking out over the Pacific Ocean, I prayed a life-changing prayer. It went something like this: "God, I surrender my will to yours. I will go wherever you want and do whatever your desire is for my life. After all, you know more about me than me." At that moment, I felt a sense of release and peace. God was in control. That very day I believe God led me into a life of full-time Christian service and I have never regretted a single moment.

Are you willing to pray a life-changing prayer? When you do pray that prayer, be assured that God has His best in mind for you. Here's a promise from His word:

"Seek your happiness in the LORD, and he will give you your heart's desire."Psalm 37:4


1. Have you ever prayed a life-changing prayer? What was the answer?

2. Read Psalm 139:23-24. Write out several issues God is impressing upon you. Do you have the courage to pray a life-changing prayer for these issues?


Psalm 139:13-14

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Christianity / Devotionals / HomeWord, with Jim Burns / Courage to Pray - Homeword - August 26