Hands-On Faith - Week of September 2, 2013

Hands-on Faith for Families 
Week of September 2, 2013


Outwardly doing what is right is easy, but living out your faith on a daily basis can be difficult. This entails being motivated from the inside and having the courage to do what is right before God and your neighbor. In this reading plan, parents can help their children explore what it means to have a faith that is a part of every moment. It will help kids understand a little more about prayer, obedience, imitating Jesus, the fruit of our actions and sharing our faith.

Make Time to Pray

Play: Take turns looking around and turning something you see into a one-sentence prayer or praise. Trees? Thank God for His creation. Ambulance? Pray for the patient’s healing. Puddles of rain? Thank God for watering the earth. A school? Pray for teachers and students.

Talk: The Bible tells us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). This doesn't mean we must talk to God nonstop. But we should keep in mind our need for Him and talk to Him often. We can use things around us as reminders to thank God for our blessings and tell Him our needs. What other things might you see today that could remind you to pray?

Pray: Ask God to show you blessings to be thankful for and people who need prayer.

—Julie Lavender




Christianity / Devotionals / Hands-On Faith for Families / Hands-On Faith - Week of September 2, 2013