Hands-On Faith - Week of October 14, 2013

Hands-on Faith for Families
Week of October 14, 2013

Respect for God

Play: Have your children name a fictional character they consider wise (Gandalf from The Hobbit, Owl from Winnie-the-Pooh). Who can think of the longest list of characteristics that make this character wise?

Talk: Wisdom is not simply being smart and knowing things. And it’s not “being old.” According to Job 28:28, wisdom is the fear of the Lord. This means that someone who is wise respects God and His commands. A wise person looks to God as the boss and makes decisions based on whether that choice will please God. On a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the wisest, how wise are you?

Pray: Thank God for giving us the ability to be wise.

Cortney Whiting



Christianity / Devotionals / Hands-On Faith for Families / Hands-On Faith - Week of October 14, 2013