Hands-On Faith - Week of June 2, 2014

Hands-on Faith for Families– week of June 2, 2014

Theme: Ways We Experience God

God Comforts

Play: Make a verbal acrostic for the word comfort. Use one or more words beginning with each letter, c-o-m-f-o-r-t, to explain what the word means. For example: For “c,” you could use Christ or caring; for “o,” offer help.

Talk: The Bible calls God “the God of all comfort” (2 Corinthians 1:3). His comfort brings us joy instead of sadness, courage instead of fear and hope instead of hopelessness. It helps us to trust Him no matter what happens. Through the comfort God gives, He wants us to comfort others. How can you bring comfort to someone this week?

Pray: Thank God for the comfort He gives you. Ask Him to help you comfort others.

Donna K. Stearns



Christianity / Devotionals / Hands-On Faith for Families / Hands-On Faith - Week of June 2, 2014