Hands-On Faith - Week of August 25, 2014

Hands-on Faith for Families
Week of August 25, 2014

Theme: 1 John 2

What Do You Love?

Play: Take turns being the announcer of a commercial for a product or service, trying to convince other family members to buy it. Then talk about how each commercial made you desire the item, appealed to your senses, made you feel good or bad about yourself, or convinced you that others would think better of you.

Talk: Sometimes we think we need something just because it looks, feels or tastes good, or makes us feel good about ourselves. The Bible teaches that we should love the Father more than the things of this world. According to 1 John 2:15-17, worldly things that look, feel and taste good will not last forever. Even our accomplishments will not satisfy us for long. God deserves to be first in our lives and hearts. He wants us to love Him more than earthly things. Only He can give us joy that lasts forever. What are three ways you can show your love for God?

Pray: Ask God to help you love Him more than the things of this world.

Rhett H. Wilson Sr., Ph.D.



Christianity / Devotionals / Hands-On Faith for Families / Hands-On Faith - Week of August 25, 2014