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Sensitivity in Busyness - First15 - December 20

God longs to be a refuge for you. He longs to be a shelter to which you can run when life overwhelms you from any and all fronts. He longs to speak peace over your heart when storms arise.


Weekly Overview:

The Christmas season is a powerful and unique time of year to remember that Jesus came to make a way for us to be near God. In his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus built a bridge between us and God allowing us to have continual, unhindered communion with our Creator. But God can’t force us into nearness with him. Even as believers filled with the Holy Spirit, we can choose to live as if God is still far off. So this Christmas season, may we choose to open our hearts to the living God that we might experience fullness of joy in his loving presence.


“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17


In Ephesians 5:15-17 Paul writes, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Do you ever feel like your days are evil? Do you ever feel like the busyness of your life rules you?

Society today loves busyness. We love to fill our plates to the brim and find purpose in what we’re doing rather than why we’re doing it. We speak ill of our own lives, as if we have no choice in the ways we spend our time. We talk about how church, work, family, and friends all pull from us as if the word “no” didn’t exist. And the season of Christmas can be even worse! With finishing work up to be able to take time off and the stress of family, parties, and expectations, Christmas can be one of the busiest times of the year.

Maybe God would have you set better boundaries this season. Or maybe he would have you do everything you’re doing. Only you and the Holy Spirit can know. But regardless of how busy you are, the key to walking in the joy and peace of God is sensitivity.

Even in the most rushed times of life, God is there, beckoning you to let him in to all your doing and feeling that you might do life with him. Even in difficult relationships and too much work, God has wisdom and truth for you that you might have a better perspective on life.

Through the power of the Spirit you can take ownership of your life. By God’s grace you can walk wisely and make every moment a chance to see God’s kingdom come both in your life and the lives of others. Your ears have been opened to the voice of God by the filling of the Spirit. Your nature as a believer is one filled and fed by the very presence of God. You have life within you, the glory of God manifest as the fruit of Jesus’ sacrifice.

Take time today to hear the voice of God. Find God’s heart that you might be sensitive to what he’s saying and where he’s leading, even in the busyness of today. May you find rest for your soul that transcends your circumstances as God fills your every moment with his loving-kindness.

Guided Prayer:

1. Meditate on the availability and importance of being sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17

2. What truth would God have you know today? What perspective would he give you on your life? Ask him for wisdom and vision. Take some time to listen to God. 

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5

3. Rest in the presence of God. Discover his nearness that you might stay connected to him throughout your day today.

“But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.” Psalm 73:28

God longs to be a refuge for you. He longs to be a shelter to which you can run when life overwhelms you from any and all fronts. He longs to speak peace over your heart when storms arise. He longs to wrap you up with wisdom and love that you might walk a path laid out before you by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Peace and joy are yours in the Spirit if you will grab hold of him today and trust him with all you are. May you be sensitive to who God is and all he’s doing—even in the midst of busyness.

Extended Reading: Psalm 91

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Aaron Amat

For more information on today's devotional click here!


Christianity / Devotionals / First15 Devotionals / Sensitivity in Busyness - First15 - December 20