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We GET To - Encouragement Café - December 16, 2019

 By Luann Prater

Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun.  However many years anyone may live, let them enjoy them all.  Ecclesiastes 11:7-8 

While mowing the grass I caught an aroma that sparked a memory.  Honeysuckle.  Suddenly I was standing next to my mom (in my mind) and remembered our conversation. 

She had lived a hard, full life and just before I gave birth to my first child, we toiled in her back yard pulling weeds and smelling honeysuckle.  She paused, turned and looked me in the eyes, with that mom face.  You know the one that  meant, “Stop and pay attention.  I want you to remember this.” 

I leaned in, she grabbed my arm and whispered, “These are the good ole’ days.”  

Honestly, I was expecting something a little more profound. 

Then she continued.  “I hear people reminiscing about yesteryear, but right now is the best time of our lives!  You see we GET to be here, enjoying a simple thing together.   We GET to smell the honeysuckle and pick the rhubarb!  We GET to laugh and love and cry together.  We GET to wonder what the future holds and know WHO holds our future!  It’s a perfect time, right now!”

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve allowed life to get burdensome and weigh me down.  I had forgotten mom’s words.  She was a woman who raised 5 children, most of the time alone.  My dad drove a semi and was gone for weeks at a time.  Before semi days, he was on the railroad.  He provided enough to feed, clothe and shelter us.  He was a shining example of how Jesus can radically change a drunk to a sold out Christian in the blink of an eye.

Mom, however was easily overlooked by her children, because she was a constant.  Often times blending into the wallpaper of our life, we rarely appreciated the way she stuck it out.  Two boys and three girls, each giving her more reasons to run than to stay, yet stay she did.  

On this day of weeding, she imparted to me words that stuck.  Don’t waste your life looking back.   Don’t wish away your life looking forward.  Enjoy this gift called TODAY, because we GET to.

Lord, we tend to allow the pressures of life to push our joy out of the moment.  Remind us that TODAY is a gift to enjoy, fully, in Jesus’ name, amen.

For more encouragement, visit Luann's Life.

© 2019 by Luann Prater.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / We GET To - Encouragement Café - December 16, 2019