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The Million Dollar Question - Encouragement Café - November 12

The Million Dollar Question
 By Jill Beran

Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” John 6:29

“What should I do?” was a question I asked as my senior year approached. I was still looking for an answer when my college career came to a close. Holding my first child created similar thoughts and now, in the midst of raising teenagers I find myself wondering the same. 

Through the years, I’ve come up with many different answers to this million dollar question, but recently I found the no-fail answer! Friend, if you’ve found yourself asking this question no matter your age or your season of life, this answer is for you!

We find it in God’s Word. In John 6:28, we realize others have asked a similar question. Here we read of a crowd asking Jesus, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”

We aren’t the only ones who’ve wondered what we need to do. Others have been in our shoes. Wanting to do what God asks is important, but the desire alone is not enough. We must know what the action is. 

The interesting thing is: the action might not be what you expect. Through the years when this type of question has entered my mind, my answers often involved a role and sometimes even a job. But Jesus looks at it from a different perspective. His answer isn’t limited by a season of life and won’t change as the years go by. 

Regardless of why we find ourselves wondering what we should do, the work remains the same. In John 6:29, Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” 

Friend, God has specific callings for each and every one of us, but our work is the same… we are to believe in Jesus the One He sent. 

This belief not only leads to eternal life (John 3:16), but also negates anxiety, provides power and equips us. I think back to when I previously asked this question and know Jesus’ answer would have put things in a different perspective. 

As a young person struggling to find my way in life, believing would have reminded me God had a plan and a future for me. (Jeremiah 29:11) As a new mom, in the midst of the mundane, believing would help me know God sees (Genesis 16:13) and my work matters (1 Peter 4:11). Now as an older mom on the edge of letting go, this work Jesus prescribes teaches me my kids are not my own (James 1:17) and our heavenly Father will forever be their perfect parent. (Matthew 7:11)

You and I are instructed to believe in Jesus. This belief goes beyond accepting the truth that Christ existed. It’s putting our trust in Him. It’s believing His Word. It’s confidence in who He is and what He says.  It’s a faith that will truly help us rest, experience peace and do all that God created us to do!

Join me in believing today…think about an area in life that leaves you wondering what you should do; instead of focusing on the decision, set your eyes on Christ. What is it you need to believe in this situation? Find some verses that provide truth, comfort and encouragement so you can meditate on God’s Truth and BELIEVE!

Heavenly Father, Lord, I’m thankful You speak to me through Your Word. You have created me for a purpose and have prepared good works for me to do, but the work You call me to is to believe. May my belief in Jesus be foundational. Thank You for the gift of faith, use it for your glory and my good. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

For more encouragement, visit Jill at

© 2020 by Jill Beran.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / The Million Dollar Question - Encouragement Café - November 12