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The Lights Went Out at Christmas - Encouragement Café - December 22

The Lights went out at Christmas
 By Judy Fussell

Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness” John 12:44

The Christmas season is upon us. A cold front has descended here in the Piedmont, and it’s been snowing in the North Carolina Mountains. Festive decorations and lights appear everywhere heralding the upcoming holiday celebration of 2020 that will be like none other in history for believers and nonbelievers alike!

Our prelit tree is up and decorated. My husband breathed a deep sigh of relief this year as he put the branches into place, and they came alive with radiant light. Now, at night, surrounded in darkness, we are dazzled by the shimmering brilliance as each tiny bulb does its part to illuminate our beautiful tree.

Light is a unique phenomenon that’s been studied by scientists through the ages. Some indisputable facts are that light is energy and has no shadow. Light always overcomes darkness. It always moves in a straight line, and its speed in a vacuum is a constant 186,283.397 miles per second. Traveling at this speed would take you around the earth 7.5 times in a second! Just the incomprehensible speed alone makes it a marvel and sets light apart from anything else in the universe!

James 1:7 declares, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” 

Christians around the world prepare to celebrate the coming of the greatest gift ever offered to humankind and that is Jesus. Hundreds of prophetic scriptures from the Old Testament writings are fulfilled at the miraculous birth and subsequent life and death of this one child. Isaiah 9:6 was penned 700 years before the birth of Christ.

David called God’s Word a lamp for his feet that lit his path. (Psalm 119:105) Just as light is straight, God’s word makes our paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6) God’s words are life and we have access to them right now!  Thank goodness we don’t have to understand the laws of physics in order to recognize God as light in this world. Psalm 119:130 states, “The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.”

God is light (1 John 1:5). Jesus came into the world as light. (John 12:46) As Christ followers, we no longer walk in darkness but also become children of God that we might bring glory to the Father. (Matthew  5:15-16) The light of Christ shines brightly in the hearts of all believers!

One Christmas past, after our brilliant tree came to life in the darkness, we were thrilled with its perfection. However, later in the week, we returned home to find that darkness covered an entire section of our beautiful creation. Our hearts sank as we scurried to remedy the ugliness left by those lifeless bulbs. 

I had to wonder then, if that is God’s view as he peers into my heart and those who surround me on this journey of life. Does he observe hearts, alive, teeming with the brilliance of Christ; or does an empty, lifeless void surround hearts remaining trapped in the darkness of sin’s curse? God’s remedy for all is Christ, the Light and life of this World! (John 8:12) (John 3:16)

God’s glory illuminated the night sky that first Christmas night. Later a single star led wise men to seek him. Will you seek to follow him today and allow his Holy brilliance to shine forth in you? 

In these troubled and uncertain times, let’s hold fast to Truth Just as the properties of light are established and do not waver or change, so is God. He is an unchanging constant throughout eternity. Peace came to all in a lowly manger those long years past. Love is our gift. Let’s worship and celebrate King Jesus! 

Lord, you alone have conquered the darkness of this world. May you be lifted up and glorified this Christmas by all who claim you as Lord.  For those who continue to stumble in darkness, give them eyes to see and hearts to receive the gift of life from your heart of love this Christmas. For you alone are worthy. Amen 

Be encouraged as you hear truths lifted in song by Lauren Daigle:  Noel and Light of the World 

© 2020 by Judy Fussell.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / The Lights Went Out at Christmas - Encouragement Café - December 22