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Still Believe - Encouragement Café - August 25

Still Believe
 By Paris Renae

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, will keep me safe. Psalm 4:8 NLT

Running toddlers are breath-holding sights. Right on the heels of the one-year-old in my life, I can't always save him from tripping over his own feet or some unforeseen obstacle.

Sometimes he gets right up and keeps on going, other times he needs a grammy arm up and lots of hugs and kisses. Same with you? It is with me. I trip over myself daily and life's obstacles come rapid-fire.

And then I remember those words - true and sure and timeless:

Jesus stood up and commanded the wind, "Be quiet!" and he said to the waves,"Be still!" The wind died down, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:39 GNT

And He does the same for us - in the middle of the night, in the face of evil, in our own doubts - the whisper 'Be still' - and calm is ours.

Great calm. Just imagine with me what that even is. Maybe it’s a little different for each of us. Maybe it won’t be in the here and now. But there are glimpses of it. And there is a forever promise that our hearts will someday live it - always.

Calm comes when this little one cuddles with me and sighs contentment. It comes when something on my heart is confirmed over and over - through a song, the words of a friend, the answer I was seeking.

So the question is: will we still believe, even if, even when, Whatevercomes?

For in this life, there will be much that will make us doubt. Our answer will depend on who we depend on. Self has to move over. The world has to lose its charm. Fear has to know its Master. Only one way: to know this God who enables our next breath, who smiles over us in delight, who longs to have us in forever.

Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea - the Lord on high is mighty. Psalm 93:4 NIV

Be still and believe.

Get to know God’s promises: Psalm 92:12-15, Psalm 139:17-18, Psalm 37:5-7, Psalm 27

Father, Thank You for loving us even in our doubts. Whatever comes, enable us to lift eyes to You and let your great calm enfold us. Help us give up control, desire the world less, and put fear in its place. Only You can do this great work in us – and we believe You will. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

© 2018 by Paris Renae. All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Still Believe - Encouragement Café - August 25